Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Crazies

I can't remember if I've done a post on my freaking crazy neighbors or not.  If I have, then some of this may be redundant and for that I apologize.  

Our housing development was just built this past year.  Behind it is this complex of condominiums called "Britetree."  That name alone drives me crazy.. do people not know how to spell "bright"??  Apparently they aren't very bright!  But I digress.  My backyard is about 30 feet away from one of the condo buildings.

In the condo on the end of the building, closest to me, lives these 2 people and a dog.  They are The Crazies (yes, that includes the dog.)  It's a guy and his girlfriend, I think, and they are actually crazy.  At least, the woman is.  One day she was in her room (which faces my backyard) with the window wide open and was on the phone and kept changing her accent and her tone of voice.  I don't know anything about Multiple Personality Disorder, so I have no idea if she was doing it on purpose or what, but it was pretty strange!  Her conversation was so disjointed, I wondered if she was actually on the phone with anyone at all or just talking to herself!

She and her boyfriend will argue for hours on end, both inside and outside their house.  I remember one day in early July he was out front working on her car, and she was standing on the doorstep just ripping him a new one for the better part of an afternoon.  Poor guy couldn't get away!  She was yelling at him about "his roommate" who "lives in the next room" and how he stole information off her computer about her father's medications, and stole the key to a file cabinet or something, and was going to use the information to get drugs from the pharmacy.  All of that was odd in the first place because I've never seen anyone but the two of them coming in and out of that house.  Her boyfriend, for his part, didn't seem to know who she was talking about either!

Not that he's totally innocent in all of this.  I'm not trying to be a busybody, but when they have public arguments less than 40 feet from my back door, I can hear every word (and wish I couldn't.)  He's kicked her out at least twice since I've lived here, and each time he takes her back.  He engages in her fights, even at 3 o'clock in the morning, and eggs her on sometimes.  He doesn't seem to be quite as off his rocker as she is, but there must be something going on with him because why else would he stay with her?  Three times over the course of the past Spring and Summer, I've been awakened by their fighting at all hours of the night.  They are lucky I am almost always out of eggs... I would totally "waste" a dozen on their house.  Except I use egg whites from a carton most of the time, and that wouldn't quite have the same effect, I think.

The cops have been called.  They actually know her by name.

And let's not forget the dog.  It's a min-pin/chihuahua mix.... and it escapes roughly three times per week and chases people all around the condo complex, barking it's little head off.  Once it even got through the fence into my neighborhood and ran around barking until someone finally caught it and tossed it back into the Britetree complex.

Sunday night the dog was out barking ALL NIGHT LONG.  I had heard it earlier in the evening, probably around 8 or 9, and then I left the house.  When I came back at around 10:45, it was still outside barking.  And it just never stopped.  The cops came THREE TIMES that night because of this dog.  Each time, they pounded on the Crazies' door for five minutes.  Receiving no answer, they searched around the building.  Finding nothing, they left.  I didn't sleep that night.

So today, about 30 minutes ago, I was out in the backyard with Abby and Jax, trying to get them to potty.  The Crazies were up in their room, with the window open, arguing (surprise!)  The lady came to the window, saw me in my backyard and yelled at me,

"HEY!  It sucks you're pregnant.  Hope you're fucking married!"

I didn't answer her, just held my hand up so she could see my ring gleaming in the October sun.  You can be sure I was absolutely livid.

She continued harassing me until I went inside.  Now, their dog is outside barking again.  I think the Crazies might have left, but I'm not sure.

What am I going to do??  Clearly the cops don't care to uphold the Noise Ordinance of Washington County, Oregon.  Both the Crazies AND their dog have been in violation of this so many times it's not even funny.  If I can't count on the police, who can I count on?  I can file a complaint for the noise... but is it even going to do any good?  

And I really don't want to raise Mara around this!

Speaking of Mara, I had my OB appointment on Monday, September 29th.  Everything was fine.  I gained 1 pound in two weeks (sigh.)  51 days until my due date!!!!!


  1. Holy shit. Who the hell does she think she is?! I can see why you'd be concerned about raising Mara around them anyway, but harassing you like that is just way too far past the line. Keep trying to get the cops to do something, whether it's a noise complaint or calling them next time she harasses you. They mightn't be doing much now, but persisting might help 'motivate' them.


  2. Ahh, I hate crazy neighbors. I have a man who live across the cul de sac from me. He is a single father to 3 of the most outrageous and out of control kids. Of course those kids might not act like they do if their dad didn't sit in his garage and smoke pot and drink all day into the hours of the night. The cops have been called so many times for the damage those kids of done, but mostly for the father's obscene behavior.
    But for her to harass you like that, oh HELL NO! I would have unleashed on her, but that's just me.
