Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Well hello again.  Been a while since I wrote a post on an actual computer with real fonts and colors and everything!  ***Trigger warning*** Just so you know.

I feel so incredibly fat.  I'm sorry, whoever said "fat is not a feeling" is incorrect.  Everything just feels and looks big to me.  I don't understand!  Other people can eat a burger and fries once in a while and ice cream sometimes and chocolate now and again and not really gain weight.  I really NEVER eat those things and yet I perceive I'm gaining weight.  My idea of dessert is a bowl of bran flakes with a banana!  The "worst" thing I ever eat is peanut butter!  In terms of calories anyway.  Sometimes I eat some of Corky's cereal (usually sugary) but not much, and I eat it in a small glass instead of a bowl.  I drink only non fat milk and eat non fat yogurt.  What the hell, man??

The trouble is I don't know what's in my head and what's real.  This whole being super hungry from breastfeeding thing is really messing with my mind.  I'm hungry almost ALL the time!  It's AWFUL!!!!  I tried cutting out grains from my diet but that didn't work because I need the energy that they give.  I've been going to the gym 4+ times per week but I don't feel like I'm seeing the results I hoped for.  This really terrifies me.

My stomach looks huge.  There's still a lump left over.  It seems like my uterus is still sticking out a bit.  It's weird.  I don't like it.

I'm sorry.... I really don't mean for this post to be so complain-y... I'm just really having a hard time!  

On the plus side, Mara is doing great!  She's over 12 pounds now and about 23 inches long.  She has a voracious appetite (and I have a voracious appetite making milk to feed her voracious appetite! lol) and sleeps great.  Last night she slept 6 and a half hours at a time!  Freaked me out, but she was fine.  Just sleepy.

Speaking of sleepy, my eyes are having trouble staying open.  

Good night!!! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I always think, for me at least, 'fat' is definitely a feeling. I realized that I use it as a synonym for a variety of negative emotions - depression, anger, frustration, grief, guilt - which usually mess with my perception anyway. On top of that, your body's been through so many changes recently, maybe once things settle a bit your perception might be more accurate.

    I'm glad little Mara is doing well :) Complain all you need, and don't apologize for it. It's your blog and it's here for you to vent!

    Take care <3
