Thursday, August 6, 2015


I am having trouble!!!!  I wanted to quickly blog about it because it's just so WEIRD what is HAPPENING to me right now!!!

In February 2014 I wrote a blog post called "Stimming".  Click HERE to read the blog post.  In it, I talk about how I "stim" when my sensory sensitivities are triggered.  I have a whole list of sounds/sensations I can't stand.  There are actually 2 categories of these sounds: sounds that make me shiver and sounds that make me angry.  

A few of the sounds that make me shiver:
-teeth grinding
-nails scratching paper
-cardboard on cardboard
-knuckles/joints popping

A few of the sounds that make me angry:
-lip smacking
-tongue clucking
(mouth sounds)

Earlier today, Mara was rolling around on the floor of my bedroom and got her hands on a notebook on the floor and SCRATCHED THE PAPER SO BAD!!!!!!! I gasped and swooped down, pulling the notebook away from her and tossing it across the room.  I shivered and shuddered for a minute but I actually couldn't focus on that just then because Mara was wreaking havoc.  So by the grace of god, I moved on.

A while ago, got home from teaching a Zumba class, had dinner and took a bath.  When I got out of the bath, Corky came in the bathroom and we were talking about stuff.  I walked into the bedroom to get my pajamas and saw the notebook lying where I had tossed it..... and my system freaked out!  I stopped mid sentence and started stimming like crazy!  I was shaking my head, snapping my fingers, tapping my foot... Corky thought I had gone out of my mind.

The weird thing is, I was totally fine until I saw the notebook.  I even read a book in the bathtub!  There was a different notebook sitting on the bathroom counter (not where we usually keep notebooks but we're moving so everything is everywhere) and I saw it and was fine.  But as soon as I saw that notebook... I couldn't handle it.  How weird!

I'm sure there's no such thing as Post Partum Autism but for sure my sensitivities have gotten worse since Mara was born.  I think that's because of lack of sleep, mainly, although I'm sleeping a bit more since dropping that middle of the night pumping session (thank GOD!)  

The human brain is a fascinating thing.  Scary, but fascinating.

1 comment:

  1. I've learnt a new word for the day! I do this too, though not with sounds, mostly an anxiety thing. I never knew there was a word for it, but I've just done some googling and that's me all over.

    Have you done any reading into the links between Anorexia and the Austism spectrum? It's really interesting. My brother has Asperges, and growing up mum always said I had Aspy traits, but I never knew how closely they're linked.

