Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sharing Is Caring

Sharing is caring..... except when it comes to viruses! 

Thursday night into Friday morning, Mara woke up vomiting.  My poor, poor, sweet baby girl!  It was a long, smelly night that involved several baths and PJ changes (for both of us).  Mara eventually fell back asleep around 5 a.m. but I didn't.  I subbed out my class on Friday morning to stay home and care for her.  By about 2 p.m. she was back to her old, smiley self. Her appetite took a few days to come back completely, but she's now all better.

Saturday night into Sunday morning, it was my turn.  Up until this point I had been pretty lucky - not catching any of the sicknesses Mara brought into the house.  Corky hadn't fared quite so well.  He received a cold or two from Mara, and took the full tour of early November's stomach bug that she so generously shared with him.  This time, however, my ticket was up.

I woke up at 1:30 in the morning and I just knew I was in trouble.  I had felt the telltale signs of round 5 of mastitis starting the day before and when I woke up I was feverish and achy all over.  Oh, and my stomach was churning.  I went downstairs and tried to sleep on the couch but by 5 a.m. I gave up and went back upstairs.  No sooner had I laid back down in bed than my stomach decided NOPE and I was up and running to the bathroom.  Fun stuff.

Thank goodness Sunday and Monday were Corky's days off!  Poor guy.  He got thrown into the Mr. Mom role without much preparation.  I forget that he hasn't mastered the multitasking thing and it wasn't until almost 1 p.m., when I asked him, "Have you eaten?", that he even remembered about food.  He and Mara ran errands and picked up fresh watermelon for me, since that's the only thing I can ever make myself eat when I have the pukes.  Sunday I could barely get off the couch.  I ate 6 cubes of watermelon, 4 crackers and 1 latke (since Hanukkah started that night).  

Monday I felt better.  Still no appetite but I was at least upright.  Today I felt even better and my appetite returned around 5 p.m.  I ate 3/4 of a sandwich and half a cup of soup, plus a yogurt.  Pretty sure that surpassed my entire calorie intake for the weekend! I got on the scale this morning, because ED always has a heyday with stomach bugs, and found that I've lost 4 pounds this weekend.  

Throwing up sucks.  Stomach bugs suck.  But... hey... at least that number looked nice!


  1. I hate how true this is but I totally relate! Hope you feel better :(

  2. I hate how true this is but I totally relate! Hope you feel better :(

  3. Oh no! Hopefully the house is virus-free soon. Thank goodness for Mr. Mom!

