Thursday, December 8, 2016

Disneyland - December 2016 Part 2

The second day, Mara and I had a breakfast date with a friend of mine who lives in the area. We walked to Downtown Disney and met her and her 2 kiddo's at the rainforest café, which I had no idea served breakfast. Pretty damn tasty breakfast too, I might add!  Anyway, Mara wasn't too sure about the gorillas and stuff in there but she sure had fun chasing my friend's son around while her newborn slept in her carrier like an angel.
Mara spots the diver cleaning the huge aquariums.

After breakfast, my parents and sister picked us up and we headed for Universal Studios. My sister is an avid Harry Potter lover so she was over the moon about the newly opened Harry Potter section there. We had butterbeer first thing - it's delicious!
Poor Mara just could not stay awake

I don't have any other pics from Universal because they're all on either my mom's or my sister's phones, but the remainder of the day included:
-dragging my mom on The Mummy ride
-the Universal Studios tour
-the Jurassic Park ride
-Panda Express
-meeting Optimus Prime (or Octopus Prime as Mara calls him)

It was awesome and Mara was such a trooper despite a nasty cough, runny nose and low grade fever (which I didn't know she had til we were already there. Oops!)

The next day we packed up and flew home. It was a short but awesome trip!

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