Thursday, June 14, 2018


Well it's June here in Oregon, which means that it's only slightly less chilly and drizzly than it's been for the last several months.  Especially this year, since we had a very mild winter and didn't get any snow except a tiny dusting on Christmas Eve.

I haven't been as much of a shutterbug as I sometimes am, and I myself actually appear in very few of the following pictures.  But here's a small picture dump anyway.

Playing Island in the Yard

One day, when Orion was napping, Mara and I went outside to play.  We decided to pretend that the side yard was an island and the asphalt was water.  So we dragged the cardboard house I had constructed (out of a dishwasher box) for her the previous week out outside and set it up on our "island."  We collected pinecones and sticks and rocks.  Before too long, Orion woke up but we were having too much fun to stop so we brought his exer-saucer outside and he became our lighthouse.  It was so much fun and I felt like a kid again!
Land ho!

Very Blair-witch-esque.

The sentinel.

Pinecone stash in the house!

Our pretend firepit

Playing Chess
Or "chest clip" as Mara calls it. (LOL!)  Just in case any of you think I have a genius level 3 year old on my hands here, Mara has no idea how to play chess.  She just likes moving the pieces around and (illegally) capturing my queen every other move.  What's notable about these pics to me is how healthy and normal she looks.  By 10:30pm that same night, she was burning up and vomiting.  Poor thing.  Nasty virus knocked her down all Sunday and most of Monday too.  Luckily, thus far, the rest of us have avoided it (knock on wood!)

Rose Festival Selfie
We went to the Portland Rose Festival one day to take advantage of the City Fair.  It's basically just a bunch of rides and booths set up at Tom McCall waterfront park in Portland. Mara wanted to ride the ferris wheel but found she is nervous of heights!

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