Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hey Soul Sister

This post is dedicated to my Sister of the Soul Variety - you know who you are! ;)

It's been about a year now since we became really really close friends.  It happened pretty suddenly. One minute you weren't there, then all of the sudden you were!  And almost that fast we were friends, and almost that fast we were sisters!  Sisters of the soul variety.  

There's no one in the world that knows me like you.  Not my parents, not my actual sister, not my husband - probably not even me!  There's nothing I can't tell you.  There's nothing I wouldn't trust you with.  Zumba made us co-workers, even friends, but we made us bestfriends (yeah, no space in that word!) and soul sisters.  We have so much in common, it's scary!  

I don't even have to say a word, you already know what I'm thinking.  Even if we aren't together.  Some people might think that's odd.. I think it's awesome.  Like when you knew I felt sad about something days before I even knew it myself.  You knew why I was so sad.. I didn't even know I was!  And you waited patiently for me to figure it out and come to you.  I've done that for you too (like the night after we did that Zumba wedding.. you know what I mean.)

There is no need for me to list all the things I love about our friendship.  First of all, it would take me forever and second of all, you already know them!  One big giant HEART drawn should suffice. :)  My wedding DEFINITELY wouldn't have been complete without you!  I know that whatever happens, wherever we are, we can have fun.  That's just how we do.

You are brave, beautiful, strong, funny, caring, smart, honest and thoughtful.  You love the color purple, Merengue songs, blinged phone cases, birds, tea, Zumba, macintosh apples, owls, stargazer lilies, your family and your friends.  You are fair, you don't judge.  You don't discriminate.  You don't like mouth noises, spiders, people who drive too slow (sorry!), some Salsa music,  Chapstick or oatmeal that isn't mush.  Hee!  These things are all what make you the wonderful YOU that you are, and you are so loved!

I feel lucky that you dropped out of nowhere into my life last fall.  I can't imagine where I'd be without you (and frankly vice versa - I know you understand what I mean.)  I wish I could become a giant shield and protect you from all the shit that can come about in the world but I can't do that.  I can, however, be here for you always and be your shoulder to cry on, the one who beats people up for you, the one who feels random pain all the way over here and texts you "What happened? Are you okay??"  I would run barefoot across needles for you (and I don't mean pine needles!) if it was what needed to be done.  The best part?  I know you'd do it for me too.

So we still need to choreograph that new Bollywood one from the new MegaMix.  Whenever we have a second between pep-talking each other, laughing so hard we can't breath (Doumbasse, party of 4??), exchanging new tea flavors, and having telepathic conversations, we'll get around to that song.  In the meantime, we'll have full-fledged conversations while co-teaching at our various gyms, exchange knowing glances in the mirror when something bizarre happens, make each other laugh in the middle of teaching and just generally have fun the way only we can do.  

I love you, sister of my heart!!!  I am thankful you are in my life!

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