Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Well... this was my first ACTUAL Mother's Day.  I mean, that pertained to me.  Last year was questionable, although I believe that you are a mother as soon as you put your child first, regardless of whether or not that child is born yet.  But that's just my opinion.  This year was unmistakeable - I'm a mom! 

We started off the day leisurely at home.  Mara woke up, I brought her into the bedroom and the three of us hung out for a little bit before we went downstairs. I pumped and Corky gave Mara a bottle.  Then I went to my parents' house to give my mom her gift while Corky got Mara dressed and tended to the bulldogs.

My parents, my sister and I met Corky and Mara at a coffee place near their house.  There we got breakfast and coffee.  I took a few picture of my mom and my sister with Mara. 

Then we went to the zoo.  Unfortunately I don't have any pictures from that.  My mom took several on her camera so hopefully she'll email me them soon and I can put them up.  

After the zoo, Corky, Mara and I went to his mom's house to give her the gift we had for her. It was a flower pot with Mara's footprints on the side in the design of a butterfly.  I bought a purple plant and we set it inside.  It was cute.  They gave me a bunch of stuff to make Mara homemade baby food.  Corky got me a random smattering of gifts: a water bottle, a phone case and an iTunes gift card.  Since Mara is too little to make me gifts, I guess I get the real deal in the meantime.  I didn't ask for anything, I just wanted experiences. But I appreciate the thought! 

After hanging out there for a while, we went to dinner at Black Bear Diner.  I got fruit and an English muffin.  Then we went home, gave Mara a bath, played with her, put her to bed and went to bed early.  It was perfect! 


  1. Happy mothers day!! It sounds like you all had a wonderful time ^-^
    Mara looks adorable and everyone looks so happy
    Here's to more days like that ^^
    Take care
    Mandy xx

  2. Happy Mother's Day Kate
    And what a wonderful mother you are x

  3. Awww, it looks like you guys had a great day.
    Happy Mother's Day!!

  4. Aww, happy Mother's Day! Lovely photos.
