Thursday, May 8, 2014


Zero energy.  So drained.  I'm going to take a bath.  Then maybe I can drag my ass out of the house to do some errands LOL!  Nothing is wrong - I'm just exhausted.  Actually things might be marginally better today, guess we'll have to wait and see!

I have jury duty tomorrow and next Friday.  EW!!!! Seriously, I get jury duty ALL THE TIME!  Why can't they pick on someone else?  Wouldn't it be funny if I had really bad morning sickness, and had to go to jury duty?  They don't excuse you from jury duty for anything!  You could be like about to lose your job and they'd be like "nope, you still have to come in and appear before the judge."  So it would be hilarious if I was like puking all over the place.. "I have morning sickness but you SAID I had to come in!!!" Hahahaha.  I have no idea why that thought is so amusing to me, it just is.  Alas, I am not that nauseated.  Just a little bit.  :)

Zero..... zero what?  Zero hour?  Coke Zero?  OMG! I miss Coke Zero!!!!!!!!!!!!  I swear, once my kid is born... I am going to have a Vanilla Coke Zero.  Mmmmmm!  I cannot wait!  Probably the caffeine in that will keep me up all night, but it will be worth it (and I'll be up all night anyway I'm sure.)  I haven't had any Coke Zero or Diet Coke since March 25th.  Whoa!  I can't believe I just typed that.


  1. Hey, I've just started following your blog :) I've read back through some of your posts and wow, I'm impressed! Congratulations on your pregnancy! You are an amazingly strong woman. I can't imagine what challenges you're facing right now, but I'm really looking forward to reading more and following you on your journey.

    Oh my gosh, Vanilla Coke Zero is like heaven in a glass. Sadly I haven't been able to find it for the last two years :(

    I hope you can manage to find a dietician soon. I can't believe your insurance only covers five dietician visits in a LIFETIME! I'm from Australia, and Medicare (similar to obamacare, I think) cover five visits each year, and my insurance covers most of the rest. I've been seeing my dietician every week for two years so I definitely understand the need for more than five, hah.

    Stay strong pretty lady! I hope jury duty wasn't too awful and you managed not to puke all over the judge ;)

    P.S, I don't know if you read her blog, but Katie Elizabeth ( has recently fallen pregnant with her third child if you're looking for other ED blogger mommies.


  2. Youve totally got this, ladybug. Hugs!
