Friday, June 10, 2016


I feel the desire to just write this morning.  Stream of consciousness.  I don't know what will come out.  I'll just see.  

It's 8:37am, Friday, June 10, 2016.  I've been up since about 5:30am.  I had to get up at 6 anyway because I was pinch-hitting for the nanny of this family I used to babysit for and I had to be there by 6:45am.  Frank (the puppy), however, had other ideas and woke me up around 4:45am.  I took him out to potty and thankfully got back to sleep for about 45 minutes.  It was a rough night.  Mara was up for a long time in the middle of it.  So we're all pretty tired today.

I'm pretty sure Mara is getting sick again.  Her nose is all runny and her eyes are watery and she keeps sneezing this morning.  I swear to god, this child has been sick more than she has been well this past cold/flu season.  We just cannot catch a break.  Although recently it's been more like 2 weeks between sicknesses, as opposed to the 3 or 4 days between we were getting in the winter and early spring.

Last night my sister graduated from HS.  It was a pretty great night.  We went to dinner at this Thai restaurant and then went to the ceremony.  It wasn't too long or too boring.  Afterwards we went out for dessert.  It was my mom and dad, my sister, her friend and me.  It was fun.  I had never been to Papa Haydn and their dessert is bomb.  It was great.  And their coffee was good as well!

I am going to swim today after I teach Zumba.  Hopefully there will be room in the pool.  I need to study as well but I'm going to try and do that when Mara takes a nap (provided she DOES take a nap!).  Mara is off at preschool this morning.  She's so cute.  

I have less than a month until my next half marathon and a month and like 26 days or something until the triathlon.  Yesterday I went to sub a really really early cycle class at LA Fitness (5:45am) but nobody showed up so I just did my own workout on the bike.  The Tri I'm doing is Olympic distance which means 1500 meter swim (like .93 miles), a 24.9 mile bike ride (or so) and a 10k run (6.4mi).  So..... yeah.  I need to train.  A lot.  A lot a lot a lot.  And study for my personal trainer cert.  And take care of my kid.  And work.  And mind the dogs.  And keep house.  And train for the Portland Marathon in October.  Yikes!

Hmm... just remembered that my car needs servicing.  I need to call Mazda today, as well as go to the bank and Target to buy more Swiffer WetJet liquid.  And paper towels.  Ooh! Maybe I'll go to Costco for paper towels.  I like Costco.  There was this little Frozen dress there that Mara would have LOOOOVED.  It was only $13 when I was there last.  Maybe it's still there.  I can use my babysitting money for that.  I also need to buy sunblock.  It's rainy this week but the sun will come back out eventually.  And I'm out of Stevia as well, or almost.  Sigh.  So expensive.

Okay.  I'm off to fold laundry and then study a little before class. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you have a a lot going on! I love this type of stream of consciousness posts :D
    Take care dear
    Mandy xx
