Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Another Week and Still Pregnant!

I am a mere 3 days away from my due date (not including today since it's already 8:30pm) and I cannot believe that I'm still pregnant. 

39 week belly photo, taken in the bathroom
at my parents' house.  Note the heinous 1980s
style floral wallpaper and tiled backsplash.
November 25, 2017.

I am so far beyond uncomfortable that it really isn't even in the same realm.  

On November 20th, I had my 38-week OB appointment.  The doctor and I discussed scheduling an elective induction for 39 weeks.  I was all for that, given that I was already dilated to 2 centimeters and baby was low the previous week at my 37-week appointment.  The doctor told me that scheduling an elective induction would be contingent on something called my "Bishop Score" (obviously named after someone with the last name Bishop).  There are several things that factor into the Bishop Score, things like dilation, position of cervix, effacement (thinning) of cervix, baby's head in relation to cervix, etc.  In order to even qualify for an elective induction, my Bishop Score had to be a 6.

After checking my cervix, he did the calculation and my Bishop Score was only a 3... the previous week it would have been closer to a 6! I was SO frustrated.

This past Monday, the 27th, I had my 39-week appointment.  I had done a bunch of walking all week hoping to get baby down lower and get my cervix dilating more.  The doctor checked me and I was dilated to 3 centimeters, but baby and cervix were both still high up.  My Bishop Score was a 4.  Closer, but not close enough.

I asked the doctor to do what's called a membrane sweep.  (Due to the semi-graphic nature of this topic, I'll not go into detail on what a membrane sweep entails.  If you want to know about it, click HERE to learn about membrane sweeps from BabyCentre UK.)  I was worried it would be really painful, as I've heard some stories about it.  It turned out not to be too bad.  It wasn't fun, but it wasn't excruciating either.  More like highly uncomfortable.  Anyway, the doctor told me to expect some cramping and contractions, but that membrane sweeps only have about a 30% success rate, so I didn't get my hopes up.

Well, now it's 8:40pm the next day, and I think it's pretty safe to say that the membrane sweep didn't work.  It's supposed to increase the chance of labor starting within 48 hours, so I guess I still have another 12 hours to go into labor, but I'm seeing NO signs.  I had cramping and some bleeding (all normal and expected) yesterday but haven't had any contractions.  I've had my normal Braxton Hicks contractions that I've been having since, like, 18-20 weeks, and they are a bit more intense than before, but not painful.  

My next appointment is Monday, December 4th.  I'm still really hoping I don't make it that long.  I'm measuring between 41 and 42 weeks.. how is that even possible?? How much farther can I even go?

It's weird to be hoping for painful contractions.  Every time I get a Braxton Hicks I start hoping for pain.  Waiting to go into labor is kind of like waiting to be punched but you don't know where, how hard, or when it's going to happen.  The unknown is the hardest part.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

38.5 Weeks... Still Pregnant!

I will be 39 weeks this Saturday... if I make it that long!  I'm kind of hoping baby comes before then.  Just not on Mara's actual birthday (which is Thanksgiving)!  Watch, that'll be the day he decides to come. Lol.

38 week bump photo - 11/18/17

We had Mara's family birthday party on Saturday the 18th. She
requested a pink princess cake, and this is what I came
up with.  She loved it!  It tasted good too.

Mara and Frank making their list for Santa. 
(More like Frank was hoping for some of that 
half-eaten PB&J Uncrustable on the table).

Speaking of Frank... here's Mr. LongLegs all
flaked out on the couch.  Love him! He's so
gangly and silly and clumsy.  My love.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Almost There

I'll be 37 weeks on Saturday and I am SO READY to have this baby.  I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead and the doctor thinks he's around 6.5-7 lb already. (Probably closer to 7, he said).

I get stared at everywhere I go... I guess I look a little weird or something.  Especially from the side.

Front view............ Side view.