Friday, April 29, 2016

BEDA Day 29 - Cycle

In February I went through the Keizer training to be able to teach Cycle classes at the gym chain I work for.  I have yet to teach a class, but that is about to change.  Tonight I will sub a cycle class at 5:30.  I am busy researching because I really have no idea what I'm doing!  

Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

BEDA Day 28 - Getting a Little Better

Mara has been super sick the last few days.  It's bad.  Horrible cough, nose stuffed AND runny (seems impossible but let me tell you.. it's not!), fever over 100 for 3 days straight, diminished appetite and a total refusal of all medicine.  No naps and broken sleep.  

It's so awful when she's sick!  She feels miserable and there's very little I can do to help her.  She wants to nurse all the time which is fine except that she can't breathe through her nose so she keeps either unlatching to breathe or she blows boogers all over us both.  When she sneezes its like... well... let's just say there's a lot to be seen and every time a sneeze comes I'm running for the box of Kleenex.  In fact, I've started using wash cloths as snot rags for her.  Fun stuff.

Oh and she's teething.  So on top of all the snot, she's drooling like a St. Bernard.

She's been out of preschool all week.  Poor baby girl.  I really love my sweet little sickie!  She's finally down for a nap right now (first time in 3 days!) and she needs it so bad.  

To make matters worse, our coffee pot shattered the other day (maybe on Saturday or Sunday.. can't remember which) and I've ordered a new one from Amazon so it hasn't come yet.  So Corky and I are severely under-caffeinated every morning... just in time for Mara to not sleep!  If she doesn't sleep, we don't sleep.  So we're all very tired.  Lol.  The joys of parenthood.

But seriously, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Snot, drool, sleepless nights and all.  I love my girl. :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

BEDA Day 27 - Canker Sores

I HATE CANKER SORES!!!! I have been plagued by them since I was a little kid.  I have 4 in my mouth right now and 2 in my throat.  It makes it so painful to swallow.

Every time I get a cut anywhere in my mouth for any reason (i.e. biting myself, stabbed by a tortilla chip, etc.), it turns into a canker sore by the next day.  It was awful when I had braces... my mouth was like one giant canker sore.  It wasn't until recently that I realized that not everybody has this happen to them.  Lucky me!

Sometimes they are so bad my lymph nodes will get all inflamed on the same side.  Ugh.  Such a pain.  Literally!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

BEDA Day 26 - Pictures Again

Mara ready for preschool :)

Oh you know... just driving around with GOATS in the back of the truck! (Oregon!)

My mom and Mara putting a diaper on Moose

There we go.

Monday, April 25, 2016

BEDA Day 25 - South Dakota

As a kid growing up, I spent a good amount of time every summer in South Dakota.  My mom grew up there and we would go every year to visit my grandparents.  My grandpa died when I was 6 but my grandma is still alive at 101 years of age!  She lived in South Dakota, in her own home, until she was 100.  Last fall, my mom went out and moved grandma to upstate New York to live with my aunt (my mom's sister) and her family.

South Dakota in the summer is, in a word, HOT.  And muggy.  And buggy.  Okay, that's three words.  

This morning I got to thinking about South Dakota (or SoDak as we call it sometimes) because I was drinking McDonald's coffee.  My grandma, bless her heart, drinks instant coffee and it's horrible.  So for the last five years or so, since I've been a coffee drinker, I have had to venture out to find decent caffeination. 

Get this: they have no Starbucks in her town.  No.  Starbucks.  At.  All.

They did have a coffee shop called Latté Da, but the prices weren't impressive.  So I went to the next best place.. Mickey D's!  Any size coffee for a dollar.  And it's actually good!  So I would buy like 4 large coffees and put them in the fridge and be set for a few days at Grandma's.

The other day, our coffee pot broke, so I've been doing the Mickey D's coffee trick here at home while I wait for the replacement pot to be shipped from Amazon.  And it reminded me of my grandma.  So I started thinking about SoDak memories....

-Playing croquet in my grandma's front yard with my aunt, uncle, cousin, mom and grandma.  When I was really young (like 3) they let me hit the ball as many times as I wanted.  I basically ran around the yard whacking the ball repeatedly until it went through all the wickets and hit the stake.  Then I'd yell, "I WIN!"

-Using the rolling ottoman as a surfboard in grandma's long basement, and hearing the sickening crunch when the ottoman rolled over dead crickets on the floor.

-Swimming in the town pool with my uncle and him swimming up behind me under water and scaring the heck out of me.  I always begged him, "Again!  Again!"

-Eating watermelon with my uncle in grandma's driveway and spitting the seeds as far as we could.  And lighting fireworks there on the the 4th of July.

-Playing on grandpa's stationary bike.. which apparently I thought was hilarious!

-Playing in grandma's giant backyard.
the view

-Visiting the museums around the area.

-Posing for pictures in front of grandma's old, out of tune piano.

-Watching Back to the Future on grandma's old Zenith TV.

-Later, when I was older, riding a bike I bought for $40 at Walmart all around the town, exploring, going to Hyvee and buying a journal and pens, buying soda at Carey's, going into the used bookstore in downtown.

-Taking Corky there in 2009 and running to the cemetery and back, racing down the road, Corky tripped and fell and rolled.  Lol!

-Going to Sioux City, IA, in the summer of 2012 and visiting the Mid America Air Museum to satisfy my inner aviation geek.

-Visiting my grandma there in 2012 for Christmas... taking her to church and opening gifts.  We lit a pine scented candle so it would smell like there was a Christmas tree.  We baked scones and cookies and took grandma to Dairy Queen (her favorite) and it snowed and snowed and snowed.

The ubiquitous bathroom selfie

Thank you, McD's

I don't know if I'll ever see my grandma again.  She's 101 and kind of on her way out.  But at least I have lots of memories... at least I have those.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

BEDA Day 24 - One More Week

One more week of BEDA.  I feel like this is dragging... like it's boring.  I have nothing to say!  I feel like I should say something profound, something controversial but I got nothin'.  Lol.

So I'm going to do one of those surveys from social media! Fun fun fun. 

Is it easy for someone to make you smile?

Tell me why you like the last song you listened to?
I can't remember what song I listened to last.

What color are your eyes?

Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed?
The couch LOL

How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
A few.... maybe 3

What would your name be without the first three letters?
E (lol)

Last thing you touched not computer-related?
A coffee cup

What colors are you wearing right now?
Black, gray and red

You currently in a fight with someone?
No... I'm a lover, not a fighter!

Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?

Do you have an older brother?

Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Yes, just two nights ago.

Do you look at the keyboard when you type?
Not usually.

What are you listening to right now?
The sound of my dog's water fountain.

Do you laugh a lot?

Are you ticklish?
Yes. In some spots

What always makes you feel better when you’re upset?

Have you ever been on a boat?
Yes lots of times, I like boats.

Last person you gave a hug to?
My daughter

Tell me about the shirt/shirts you’re wearing?
It's red, it's a tank top and it's from Target.  And then I have a gray Nike hoodie on that I got at the employee store when I was 6 months pregnant.

When you are home alone do you still close the door when you shower?

Do you have plans for today?
Yes, but I cannot remember what they are!  Oh, I'm going running.. and to Red Robin for dinner. Yippee!

When is the last time you took a nap?
Yesterday LOL!

What was on your mind most today?
Well it's only noon, but thus far has been about teaching my classes tomorrow.

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?

What instant messaging service do you use?
None! Text.

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
Ages. Like an hour.

Do you have any siblings? Do you get along?
Yes, and sometimes.

What are you drinking?
Coffee... but I just finished it.

Honestly, if you could go back 8 months and change something, would you?
Not at all.

Do you know what you’re wearing tomorrow?
Work out clothes probably!

Do you know anyone who smokes weed?
Sure, lots of people. It's legal here now.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

BEDA Day 23 - Pictures

On Sunday we went downtown!  The weather was great. 

On Monday we again went out, this time to the park. 

Abby and I ran an errand or 2

Friday, April 22, 2016

BEDA Day 22 - Getting There

Rough morning at work.  First time I've cried in front of my class... fun stuff.

Tired today.

Sick of springtime.  Can it be summer?

I'm freezing.  Just drank  Coke Zero.  What if it was spelled Xero! Lol.

I need to take a shower but I think Mara is going to wake up from her nap any minute.... sigh!  #Thatmommylifetho

Sorry this post is aaaaallllll over the place! :P

Thursday, April 21, 2016

BEDA Day 21 - Quiet Time

It's 10:52am and all is quiet.  Mara's at preschool.  Abby is asleep on the rug by the back door.  Corky is at work.  I just made a video for my YouTube channel and it's uploading right now.  I just finished my coffee.  I taught my class this morning and am about to go run a few errands with my mom before picking up my kiddo.

Tomorrow Passover starts.  Passover is not my favorite holiday, I actually find it kind of boring (sorry, God!) but it's important to my dad so... we do it.  Lol!  

Oh yay, my video uploaded!  Click HERE to view it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

BEDA Day 20 - Haircut

Yesterday Mara's bangs were so long they were literally IN her eyes.  So I gave her a milk sippy, plopped her in front of the TV turned to Berenstain Bears and snipped away with the kitchen scissors.  They're a tad uneven because she didn't actually hold all that still but it's still an improvement! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

BEDA Day 19 - Astoria Nostalgic

A year ago today we were in Astoria, Oregon.  The weather was insanely beautiful (as it is today.. hmm.. maybe April 18-19 is a good time to go to the beach!) and we had such a great time!  It was Mara's first road trip and she did great in the car.

I love Astoria.  It's a cute little fishing town and the houses are big and old and awesome.  They did have an issue with sea lions although I actually liked them.  They would all pile up onto these docks on the Columbia River side of Astoria (because Astoria is at the corner of Oregon where the Columbia meets the Pacific) and bark and flop around and sun themselves.  They were really funny to watch!

Well, I guess they were a nuisance for people and there were many attempts made to get the sea lions out of there.  They tried using a big fake Orca whale, to no avail.  They tried several other things that I can't remember off the top of my head, but apparently the latest attempt is working: Wind Dancers.

Yes, those Wind Sock Men that usually stand outside car dealerships and wave their whole bodies in weird, jerky, upward movements.  I have to admit I cracked up laughing at the image of the sea lions scattering in fear of the neon windsock people.  How they came to the idea of using those to scare off the sea lions I do not know, but it's a pretty funny idea.  Problem solving at its finest!

Monday, April 18, 2016

BEDA Day 18 - Elimination Round 2

Okay so I tried eliminating dairy to see if it helped my stomach issues... it didn't.  So now I'm moving on to the next possible culprit: gluten.

I don't anticipate it being as difficult as dairy, once I get over the fact that I can't have bread. Most of the cereals I eat for breakfast are gluten free anyway (Special K, Cheerios, etc.) so that won't be a shock, and I don't eat a lot of baked goods.  I do eat a lot of fruit and veggies, but those won't be affected at all, and since I can now have regular milk on my  (already gluten free) cereal, I won't have an issue with it.  I was not a fan of almond milk on my cereal.  I only like it in my coffee.

Basically, I'm sick of having stomachaches ALL. THE. TIME.  I haven't been to a doctor because I don't have a doctor.  I'm in the process of finding one (mine recently retired) but I know they'd just say it's IBS and tell me to do an elimination diet.  That's what my previous doctor said, so I'm just doing it ahead of their directive.  

Dairy was a no-go, so I moved on.  Let's hope this works!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

BEDA Day 17 - Bad Day

I don't have the energy to write about it but today pretty much sucked. 

Here's a picture of Mara being her cute self because I'm too tired to write anything else. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

BEDA Day 16 - Over Halfway!

Well today is April 16th which means we are more than halfway through the month of April. I am very excited about this because, as you may remember from previous posts, Spring is NOT my favorite season.  March and April are tough for me, but May is a little better and by the time we get to June I know I'm going to be fine.

So I've decided what I'm going to do with my free time when Mara is in preschool:  I'm going to pursue my career as a personal trainer.  I feel as though my history and experience will help me in understanding clients better.  So I'm going to work on that.  In addition, I will try out other forms of exercise and see what I think.  For example: swimming, cycle, pilates, yoga, kickboxing, etc.

The current fun thing in our house right now is that we have an infestation of carpenter ants.  Yes, those big, ugly, black MOFOs that bite.  ICK!  Yesterday there was one in Mara's room and I went to pick it up on a book and fling it out the door (Mara has a balcony off her room.. princess!) and when I touched it with the book, it stopped, half-turned and it's freaking huge FANGS stood straight out and I was like OH MY GOD.  So gross.

It's 8:56am.. Mara's still asleep.  Hope she wakes up soon.. I kind of miss her!

Friday, April 15, 2016

BEDA Day 15 - Photo Booth

Playing with Photo Booth this morning while waiting for Mara to wake up...

No effect

Comic book


Color pencil

Also, I uploaded a new video to YouTube yesterday!  Click HERE to watch it!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

BEDA Day 14 - Struggles

I've been having body image struggles lately.  No surprise there!  Don't I always??

I just feel..... I don't know.... squishy.  My clothes still fit fine so I'm sure it's all in my head.  I feel like I've been slacking off so badly and I need to run more or do more weights or whatever.  Because of my diastasis recti (separation of my abdominal muscles from childbirth) I can't do sit ups or crunches or anything like that.  So I feel as though my abs are all flabby.  

Zumba was hard this morning.  For one thing, I was really tired so my energy was lacking.  My eyes wouldn't even stay open all the way.  For another thing, I hated the sigh of myself in the mirror.  Even wearing all black I thought I looked fat.  For a third thing, the energy of the class was low too, so it was a struggle to keep my smile on and keep things as bouncy as they usually are.

Anyway.  Mara is napping right now.  I'm waiting for a call from the Activities Director from my gym to talk to me about a class opening up (or something like that).  She's assured me via text that I'm not in trouble lol.  Good thing too, because I'd have worried about it.  

I taught Zumba this morning, like I mentioned, ran 3.1 miles when I got home, and I'll teach another Zumba class tonight in addition to picking up the little boy I now babysit 3 evenings per week.  Busy busy.  That's good, it'll keep my mind off tough things.

In other news, it's raining. Joy! Lol.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

BEDA Day 13 - Timbers

We are watching the Portland Timbers (MLS team) lose to FC Dallas 3-1 with 2 minutes left on the clock.  That's a shame.  In typical Portland fashion, though, it's pouring rain and the guys are all soaked.  Poor FC Dallas is like "I have a feeling we're not in Texas anymore!"  Welcome to Oregon, guys!

My family used to have season tickets to the Portland Timbers but we haven't for the last few years.  It's not that it wasn't fun to watch them play soccer.  The Timbers have actually gotten better over the last few years.  What's gotten worse is the fans.  The Timbers Army (read: fanatics) can be really rude at times, and I feel like it kind of eggs on the rest of the fans and the jeering just escalates.  Add to that all the people in the stands who clearly know next to nothing about soccer yelling their recommendations to the players or expressing their displeasure at the referee's calls (or lack of same).  It just got old.  So we stopped going.

It's 9:33pm, Mara is in bed and I just took a shower.  Mara has her 2nd day of pre-preschool tomorrow.  Her first day went really well, apparently.  Her teachers reported no tears, a good appetite at snack and at lunch, and generally that she adjusted well.  I was so relieved.  She can get a little... rambunctious at times and has been known to swat at other kids occasionally.  Thankfully it appears she refrained from that!

In a major mom-fail, I didn't get any pictures of her on her first day!  It was a hurried exit in the morning and we were literally running into her school to get her there on time.  So... yeah... no pictures.  Maybe tomorrow!  She looks so stinkin' cute with her little backpack on! Love that kid!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

BEDA Day 12 - Preschool

My little baby girl starts pre-preschool today (meaning she's doing the toddler half-day program).  HOW CAN THIS BE???? Wasn't she just born??  Wasn't she just a tiny newborn learning how to latch on and nurse and trying to keep her eyes open????  

I don't really feel like the time has flown by, necessarily, but I feel like I'm surprised we're already here.  The nights are long but the years are short.  

Anyway, it's 7:24am now, and her school starts at 8:30 so I need to get her up soon.  I'm going to pack her little snacks into her little backpack along with extra diapers and an extra change of clothes and her favorite toy, and send her off to preschool.  What?  Crazy.

In other news, I have been having THE WORST digestive issues lately.  I say lately but really I mean like the last 4-5 months.  So I've decided enough is enough and I'm going to do an elimination diet to try and figure out what in the world is happening to me.  I'm just going to take common irritants and cut them out one by one for a week or two and see if I feel any better.  

So first is dairy.  I will not eat any dairy from now until April 19th, and then I will eat a bowl of cereal with milk on April 20th and see what happens.  Also, between now and the 19th I will monitor my symptoms and see if they improve.  If they don't, and eating cereal does nothing at all, then I will move on to another type of food (likely gluten) and see if that has any effect.

Wish me luck!  Pics of Mara's first day of preschool in tomorrow's BEDA (likely.)

Monday, April 11, 2016

BEDA Day 11 - Salad again!

What's left of my lunch! Lol

BEDA Day 10 - Nostalgia!!

Without wifi I can't post when I'm not home so I typed this up yesterday and am posting it now!

My kid and I have been watching Disney movies recently, and OH the nostalgia!  I almost teared up at the sight of the opening scene of the Lion King.  I had forgotten how terrifying some of the scenes in some of the movies can seem to a little kid. Ursula the sea witch is scary as hell!  Not to mention the scene in the beginning of the Lion King where the hyenas are chasing Simba and Nala through the elephant graveyard. Mara was like "aaaaahhhh!!!"  Poor kid!

Anyway, as I type this (to be posted later), I'm at the mall with Mara and my friend and her son who is Mara's age. They're playing in the play area.  So cute!  On Tuesday I'll start babysitting her son for a few hours in the evenings until she's off work. Should be fun. Mara likes to play with him. Also, Mara starts preschool on Tuesday. What?!

Friday, April 8, 2016

BEDA Day 8 - A Little Longer

Mara is still asleep (glory be! It's almost 9:00am!) so I have some extra time to do a proper post this morning.  So it'll just be a rambling one.

In response to the comment on last night's post, Kai Klaarika, Mara went to sleep around 10:50pm!

Today is Friday.  I have my normally scheduled Zumba class at 10:00am.  Then tomorrow I sub a class at 9:45am, then Sunday another at 8:30am.  Then Monday my normal class at 4:30pm and then I finally get a day off on Tuesday!  Starting on Wednesday, do it all over again.

Speaking of Tuesday.......

Mara starts preschool on Tuesday.  Yes, you read that right.  She will  be going for two half-days a week, from 8:30am to 12:30pm.  I am excited for her... she is so bored at home!  I'll miss her though.

I submitted an application to the Northwest Boxer Rescue, in  hopes of being matched with a Boxer that needs a home (instead of getting a puppy).  We'll just have to wait and see.  I am OBSESSED with Boxers!  They are SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh... Mara is waking up.  Sigh.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

BEDA Day 7 - Long Day

Mara has been up since 5:00am, which means I've been up since 5:00am.  Its now 10:15pm and she just WILL NOT GO TO SLEEP!

I am so tired.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

BEDA Day 6 - Playhouse

I want to build a playhouse for Mara in the backyard.

Any ideas?

Any of you guys have playhouses as kids?  What was your favorite feature(s) of them?

BEDA Day 5 - Substitute

This was supposed to go up yesterday and I tried but I was using the wi-fi at the gym and the blogger app wasn't functioning properly.  So here it is a day late.

I'm subbing a bunch this week as one of our instructors is out with a back injury.  Subbing is great because I can sometimes recruit more people to come to my classes (and let's face it, my one particular class needs it because attendance is sometimes low) but tough because I don't know the participants so the energy can sometimes be lacking.

Oh well.  It usually works out.... literally.

Monday, April 4, 2016

BEDA Day 4 - Air Crash Investigation

It's 9:22pm on an average, overcast Spring night in Portland.  Corky is off at the grocery store buying milk, Mara is in bed, Abigail is snoring away on the couch and I'm drinking decaf coffee and watching Air Crash Investigation.

Well, actually, right now I'm updating this blog.  But that's only because I was standing by the counter waiting for my coffee to heat up and the computer was sitting there, so I opened it to do BEDA while I wait.  Now my coffee is out and I'm going to put Almond/Coconut milk in it. Mmmm....

I'm having awful body image today.  The last few days really.  But whatever.  I don't have time for an eating disorder right now. LOL! I'm too busy for that shit.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

BEDA Day 2 - Tattoo

I got my tattoo in honor of Jax today.  When I arrived at the studio for my appointment, the artist doing my tattoo (Agnes) showed me the design she had come up with... and I FREAKED!  It looks just like him!!!!!  I love it so much.  See for yourself!

Friday, April 1, 2016

BEDA Day 1 - April Fools

I've decided to do BEDA (Blog Every Day in April) again this year.  It could be one sentence, it could be several paragraphs, it could be a link or a quote or a picture. Just something every day. 

Today's topic is: April Fools Day. I hate April fools day. I hate being pranked. I hate being teased. I hate being laughed at. But perhaps most of all, I hate not being able to trust what anyone says on this day. 

2 years ago on April Fools Day, I had my ultrasound and it looked great!  I wanted to share the happy news but I couldn't because nobody would have believed me! Lol. 

Now here we are 2 years later. Smack dab in the middle of the Whiny Toddler Phase. Good thing she's cute! Haha.