Wednesday, April 13, 2016

BEDA Day 13 - Timbers

We are watching the Portland Timbers (MLS team) lose to FC Dallas 3-1 with 2 minutes left on the clock.  That's a shame.  In typical Portland fashion, though, it's pouring rain and the guys are all soaked.  Poor FC Dallas is like "I have a feeling we're not in Texas anymore!"  Welcome to Oregon, guys!

My family used to have season tickets to the Portland Timbers but we haven't for the last few years.  It's not that it wasn't fun to watch them play soccer.  The Timbers have actually gotten better over the last few years.  What's gotten worse is the fans.  The Timbers Army (read: fanatics) can be really rude at times, and I feel like it kind of eggs on the rest of the fans and the jeering just escalates.  Add to that all the people in the stands who clearly know next to nothing about soccer yelling their recommendations to the players or expressing their displeasure at the referee's calls (or lack of same).  It just got old.  So we stopped going.

It's 9:33pm, Mara is in bed and I just took a shower.  Mara has her 2nd day of pre-preschool tomorrow.  Her first day went really well, apparently.  Her teachers reported no tears, a good appetite at snack and at lunch, and generally that she adjusted well.  I was so relieved.  She can get a little... rambunctious at times and has been known to swat at other kids occasionally.  Thankfully it appears she refrained from that!

In a major mom-fail, I didn't get any pictures of her on her first day!  It was a hurried exit in the morning and we were literally running into her school to get her there on time.  So... yeah... no pictures.  Maybe tomorrow!  She looks so stinkin' cute with her little backpack on! Love that kid!

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