Friday, August 19, 2016

Busy August

I haven't had as much time to write as I had hoped.  

Everything is fine, things are just stupid busy right now.  Mara's in school, I have my classes, subbing lots of classes, studying, working out, trying my damnedest to house-break Frank.  We had family in town, Corky was out of town, Corky had a Spartan Race, Mara and I both had dentist appointments. I planned my dad's birthday bash, helped a lady plan a zumba class for refugees in South America, and all of that on top of the normal day-to-day stuff like grocery shopping, going to the bank, dishes and the endless laundry.

It's been quite a month!  And it's not over yet! 

Just today I have to.... get my weight training in for the day, unload/reload/run the dishwasher, fold the load of laundry that's going to come out of the dryer in a few mins, prepare dinner, study, find the living room floor again (it's buried under toys) and hopefully get Mara to bed at a reasonable hour since she's been up past her bedtime for three nights in a row.  (She's napping right now, thank GOD!)

This weekend I have to.... sub a class tomorrow morning (aqua), weight train and run on Sunday, buy my sister's birthday present (her birthday is tomorrow but she's out of town), try to keep the house in decent shape, vacuum/mop, sort out plane tickets to Edmonton for October, meal prep for next week and all that while it's going to be 100+ outside.  Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Next week I have to... sub a class on Monday morning (cycle) and run, teach my class (Zumba), weight train, and get Mara to/from preschool on Tuesday, teach my class (Aqua), meet my dad for lunch and hit up Costco on Wednesday, teach my class (Zumba) and sub 2 classes (Aqua and cycle back to back) on Thursday in addition to getting Mara to/from preschool and getting her to bed at a decent hour, teach my class (Zumba) on Friday, plus get Mara to and from school, AND do a bunch of busy work like keep everyone fed, bathed, clean, make sure we don't run out of groceries, the cars don't run out of gas, the house isn't buried under dust and clutter, the dogs don't tear apart the place or pee in the house, everyone has clean clothes to wear, AND get all my workouts in.  

WHEW! I'm exhausted already just thinking about it. 

Mara has a little birthday party to attend on the 28th and that will pretty much usher out the month of August.  Bring it on! I'm ready!

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