Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Letter To My Best Friend

Dear Bestie,

I won't put your name on this blog, don't worry.  This will be anonymous - well, anonymous on the internet!  I just wanted to write this letter to tell you a few things:

1) YOU ARE LOVED.  You are loved by many.  Your family, your friends, your pets.  Each and every one of us need you.  You are a beloved sister, daughter, niece and cousin.  You are a cherished friend, confidant, and soul sister.  Without you, our lives would not be complete.  Your parents lives would not be complete without you.  Your brother's life would certainly not be complete without you.  MY life would not be complete without you.

2) YOU ARE WORTHY.  You are deserving of everything wonderful, beautiful, happy and fulfilling this world has to offer.  You may have off days and not believe those words, but that's when we all rally around you and remind you and lift you up.  You lift me up when I cannot do it myself.  I am honored to have the privilege to do the same for you.

3) YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.  Beauty is emotional, physical, mental and energetic.  Your beauty comes through in all of those forms.  You have a beautiful mind, soul, face, body and spirit.  The body is a shell for the soul.  A vessel.  A masterpiece.  But your spirit - the things that shine through onto the world every day - that is your Magnum Opus.  I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I feel grateful to know you.

4) YOU ARE IMPORTANT.  No matter what is going on in my life, I always have time for you.  If you call me and I can't answer, I will call you back.  If you text me, I will always respond as soon as I can.  If you need me to come over at 2 in the morning but can't find the courage to ask me, send me a text with one word - "BLOG" - and I'll be there faster than you can imagine.  I don't care what I have to do the next morning.  I'll never question your reasoning or invalidate you.  That's not what a true friend does.

5) YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  Don't forget, even on your hardest days, that you're not walking alone.  No matter what fruit life throws at you (lemons, starfruit, those sharp, pointy, orange fruits, whatever they're called) I'm sure I have a recipe you can use to make something sweet out of it!  If I don't, someone will.  Nothing is irreversible, nothing is impossible.  There are many people (and animals) in this world that are happy to help lift your burden.  All you have to do is ask.

Love you friend.  Till we're old and decrepit.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm Cori Baker and I'm also being treated for Anorexia. I've created a blog as well as kindof a creative outlet and wondered if you wanted to be kindof a support for each other. I haven't told most people about my ana and no one really knows about my writing, but I wondered if we could maybe talk a bit? Or exchange tips or stories?
