Thursday, April 17, 2014


This morning Corky and I went to Fidelity National Title Company and signed a humongous stack of papers.  It's official - we get the keys tomorrow and move in this weekend!  FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I've been itching to get out of this condo for over a year!  

It's not that it's so very bad, where we live now.  It's just... cramped.  And there's no storage.  And you can't access the house directly from the garage.  #Firstworldproblems, I know, I know.  But at any rate, this new house will be much better.

And have I mentioned lately how much I hate hate hate packing??  It's like no matter how many boxes I fill and seal up with packing tape and write on with sharpie, the amount of clutter and crap in my house never decreases.  By the way, it's nearly impossible to keep a house tidy while packing.  You just cannot do it.  The whole wall where my sliding glass door is located looks like a very complicated Jenga puzzle.

I still need to pack:
-My closet
-Both bathrooms
-The guest bedroom bookshelves
-The whole kitchen (dishes, baking stuff, pots, pans, etc.)
-The entire garage

But fortunately, I have already done:
-Half the kitchen
-The guest bedroom closet
-The downstairs closet
-The shoe rack
-The two junk drawers
-All the books and DVDs from downstairs

So that's something, right?  It's a start!  Just keep going, one box at a time.

Now.. the pregnancy.  Everything is going okay, I think.  Eating has become a major chore most of the time.  I just don't even want to think about food.  However, my best times of day are usually between 10am and 2pm.  So I can usually eat okay between those times.  Before 10am and after 2pm, it's up in the air.  I'm not throwing up, thank god!  I hate throwing up!  But I generally feel nauseous, headachy, exhausted and pissy.  How lovely, right?  

But oh, let me tell you... the worst part about this?  You may expect me to say "the weight gain."  Well yes, that IS hard.  But right now the hardest thing is THE INSOMNIA!  Why is it that when my body is trying to literally grow another human, I cannot sleep?  All I need is to rest and recharge.. but no!  My body is like "nope... we are going to stay awake forEVER!"  I've slept about 3 and a half hours total over the past 2 nights.  Oh my word, I cannot keep going like this.  It's cruel.  Take a person like me with a pretty quick temper in the first place, set my hormones all out of whack, make me retain water, give me some headaches, aggravate my ED with inevitable weight gain, add some nausea, taste/smell aversions and weird cravings, deprive me of nearly all my sleep and THEN tell me I can't have caffeine......... someone is going to lose their head!  LOL!

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