Friday, October 23, 2015


On Tuesday, Corky and I were married exactly 2 years.  :)

We had grand plans to leave Mara with my mom for the evening, go out for dinner together (dressed up and everything!), maybe do a little shopping for Mara's birthday (which is a month from today), and get frozen yogurt or maybe ice cream (hey now...).  But you know what they say about the best laid plans......

So, you wonder, what did we actually do?  

Well, here's the photographic evidence:

Yes, we took our darling almost-eleven-month-old daughter to.... Red Robin!  My mom is in upstate NY helping her sister care for their 100-year-old mother (who just rounded the bend on the good side of pneumonia, by the grace of God!) so she wasn't able to babysit.  Corky's mother couldn't babysit that late on a weekday because she gets up practically in the middle of the night for work.  So we just took Mara with us!  She had macaroni and cheese and loved every single noodle of it.  My little Macaroni Monster.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I love it. Making memories :) Congrats to you and Corky.

