Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Facebook Hiatus

I decided to take a break from Facebook.  I have no idea for how long.  I was just getting tired of wasting my time looking at a screen, watching people post the highlights of their lives, creating a false sense of utopia.  The fact of the matter is, people have complex lives.  I find that people either primarily complain on Facebook or make it look like their lives are entirely sunshine and rainbows.  It doesn't help me be closer to my friends at all because I actually have no idea what's going on in their lives!  All I know is what they post.  So I decided to just text or call them instead and find out what's new in their lives!

So far it's only been like 18 hours since I deleted the app off my phone, but I can already tell it's going to be an adjustment for sure!  However, I feel like I'll be more present without it.  Eventually I'll log back in, but until then I'm just going to enjoy life without putting it on display for everyone to see!