Wednesday, December 23, 2015

December - What A Month!

It's not even Christmas yet and what a December this has been!  It's been challenging, that's for DAMN sure! 

But you know what?  Right this minute, as I sit here, things are peaceful and blissful.  The Christmas tree is glowing softly in the corner.  The rain is falling outside (which isn't so nice overall as we are dealing with flooding issues, but at least our house isn't leaking!).  Mara is napping.  I have coffee next to me.  I am in my warm, comfy sweats (read: Corky's sweats that I stole) and I just took a long, hot, well-deserved shower.  

In the past 23 days I have:
-Taken care of a 1 year old with the stomach flu
-Gotten the stomach flu myself
-Spent hours and hours on the phone, dealing with insurance companies
-Taken care of a 1 year old (same one!) with an upper respiratory virus
-Taken care of a 1 year old (same one!!!) with hand, foot & mouth disease
-Caught the upper respiratory virus
-Taught 21 classes (Aqua Fit and Zumba)
-Ran a half marathon

And we still have 9 more days of December, including today!  YIKES!

It's Christmas Eve Eve.  Tomorrow morning, on Christmas Eve Morning, I will teach Zumba.  I taught on Thanksgiving Day too and the class was MASSIVE.  So we'll see what tomorrow brings.  At least the traffic on my commute shouldn't be too bad!  Today I made it down there in 25 minutes!  I was spectacularly early so I went on the treadmill for my first run since the half marathon on the 13th.  I felt pretty good!  I'm still nowhere near as strong as I was pre-stomach flu!  I struggled to teach my Aqua Fit class with the same pizzazz as I usually have.  But it was a good class nonetheless.  Not too big, not too small.  I don't really like teaching Aqua Fit as much as I used to but it's pretty okay.  I still prefer Zumba but I'm happy to teach a class and move around, and hey, it's money! 

I finally got offered a class at the LA Fitness close to my house!  YAY!  It's a Zumba class on Mondays at 4:30pm.  This past Monday, the 21st, was my first one.  It went well... except one thing.  There was a woman who came and stood up in the front, right next to me on my right..... and did all her own choreography to my songs!  I don't mind if people want to do their own thing, but it made it difficult for me because if I looked over at her at all I'd get confused and forget MY choreography!  My students were a little confused too.  Lol! Oh well.  She was having fun, so there's that!

Sorry for the rambling.  I am off to organize the bottle/sippy/kid silverware shelf in the kitchen!  Oh, and make more coffee. ;)

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