Sunday, May 7, 2017

Busy Month

I think it's about time I overhaul my blog.. what do you think?  I've had this same background and everything for years!  Kind of ready for a change.

The month of May has landed upon us and I couldn't be happier about that.  Spring is, as you may remember from previous discussions of this, my least favorite season.  Winter can be sucky too but at least for some of it you've got holidays to look forward to.  Spring.. not so much.  Just rain, rain and more rain for eternity.  Although as I type this, it's actually sunny outside. Lol.

It's already May 7th and I've had several things on the calendar already.  Appointments and such.  I've got more appointments, little things (like babysitting my friend's kids, taking Mara to some playdates, etc.) and trips occupying the rest of the month.  The weekend of the 19th we are going to Astoria, Oregon for the weekend.  The following weekend I go to Canada for four days BY MYSELF!!!!! I've got a "spa day" planned for the 31st with a friend of mine and then of course there's Mother's Day earlier in the month.  Busy busy busy.  Helps time fly.

We are all doing fine over here.  Mara is still in preschool 4 mornings per week and absolutely loves it.  It really was the best decision I could've made regarding that.  

Corky is doing well, loving his new job.  He is up to his eyeballs in work.  He's got a house he's currently flipping by himself, as well as doing some general contractor work for our neighbor AND half a dozen half-finished home improvement projects at our house.  Breathe in, breathe out, Kate, it'll get done.  I'm not a fan of chaos, as you can probably guess.

I'm doing pretty well, too.  Working, momming, cleaning, you know.. the usual.  Looking forward to some actual warm, sunny weather so I can get outside with Mara and the dogs.  Today is sunny but not warm.  I think it won't get over like 65 F for the foreseeable future.  Kinda mean since we had two 80 degree days last week.  Sigh.  Oregon, stop teasing us, would you please?


  1. Nice to hear everything going OK.I no weather is sucky rain clouds cold spring in CT.hope u have a happy mother's day!😊☺

  2. Nice to hear everything going OK.I no weather is sucky rain clouds cold spring in CT.hope u have a happy mother's day!😊☺
