Sunday, February 10, 2013

Something Rotten in the State of...Me?

I will be the first to admit that I'm not great at paying attention to my body.  I ignore a lot of its' signals.  Hunger, for one, I tend to try to ignore.  And fatigue.  I ignore that one too.  But there is something WRONG inside me, and I don't know what it is.  Maybe I'll get lucky and someone will see this that has a clue about... whatever... and be able to tell me what on Earth is going on here.

-Bone pain (mostly legs. Shins, knees, femurs)
-Hard to breathe
-Change in uh, bathroom habits (sorry, gross)
-Fatigue (sleepy tired)
-Abdominal pain

Ring any bells?  Anybody?  Anybody? :(


  1. hello! i can't say for bone pain but i guess bathroom (not gross i promise i am sure i have seen worse haha -0-;;) and fatigue might be linked with your body's metabolism - this is how it is for me (i use the toilet more frequently, my heart rate goes through the roof and i feel flushed and exhausted, or the opposite, i go less frequently and i am still exhausted)

    don't think that was much help. definitely see a doctor or look around on webMD?

  2. well... that's not the bathroom problem. It's the opposite :( My regular MD likes to attribute every single thing to my eating disorder. My naturopath really just has no idea what to do about it. But I think I'll look for a new doctor lol! :D
