Saturday, March 16, 2013


I hate the scale today!!!

So... last week, on Thursday, I knew I had to go for my wedding dress fitting the next day.  So I dragged my ass out of bed and onto the scale.  The reason I did this is so that I'd know the general area in which I need to stay, weight-wise, in order for my wedding dress to fit when I go to try it on in like 2 months time. 

So... yesterday morning, Friday, I dragged my ass out of bed and onto the scale.  I decided I would weigh myself once per week, just to make sure I was on track.  Ha.  Well.  I should know better.  Once I get on the scale once, I have to keep getting on it every day.  Anyway, I was horrified to see that I was exactly one pound higher than last week.  UGH!

So... I also need to get off one of my sleeping meds.  The 2 I have don't go well together.  Can cause complications, blah blah.  So it's 6:42am.  I haven't slept at all.  And I have a super busy day today. 

So...!!! I dragged my ass out of bed at like 5:45am.  I went pee.  I got on the scale.  I only lost 0.4 lb.  And that was after TWO Zumba classes (one was 90 minutes long!) and a punishing session on the elliptical!  Seriously?!?  That's all I get???  Fuck that.

So... no carbs for me today.  None.  Zero.  I can have an apple and yogurt and that's it.  Almond milk in my coffee.  One packet of fat free cocoa.  Other than that it's sugar free gum, 3 sugar free candies, and green tea. 

Tonight my dad's friend is in town.  We are going out to dinner with him to a fancy restaurant.  I'm kind of thrilled by the idea of being like, "Nope!  Not eating, sorry!"  My parents would throw a shit fit.  Threaten not to take me to Vegas with them at the end of the month.  But really, what choice do I have?  I can't eat at night, and since Corky isn't off work until 7pm, I won't have a choice at all!  Besides, my sister isn't even going to dinner with us so she can't get all pissy with me.  As if she even has a right to!

This is bull.  I need to lose a ton of weight before Vegas.  I just need to in general, but Vegas is a tangible goal.  Now I just need the strength to manage it!

Why is it 6:48am and it's not even getting light out??  I hear birds.  The coyotes howled at 4am.  They heard a siren.  It's such a weird sound.  Well, maybe it's a teeny tiny bit light.  The sky is like indigo.  I kinda feel like going for  a walk.

Oh yeah, the other night at Red Robin, I saw this on one of the menus.  Honestly....??? Pig Out Style?  Great.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. I hate seeing that shit on menus. And I hate how judgmental I am that there are actually people who would order it that way. Basically, I hate trying to be normal and then hating people who ARE normal. First world problems, I know.
