Saturday, November 30, 2013

I'm Not Ashamed

This is going to be really quick because I'm quite busy.  But the other day I made a video on my YouTube channel about Thanksgiving (Link Here: and one of my YouTube viewer friends, who I also know on facebook, shared the video on her page.  She asked me first, and I said sure.  I didn't know she was going to tag me,  but she did and that's fine.  But now one of my facebook friends who I know from Zumba. saw it and told me she spent the last hour watching all the videos.  Which I think is  cool, except I wasn't planning for all my facebook friends to know.  

But I am not ashamed.  I guess it's like "coming out" that I have an eating disorder.  Now everyone can know.  I think it is actually for the best.  Maybe someone who is struggling and hiding it will see that and talk to me about it.  Maybe it will help me help someone :)


  1. Now that your facebook friends know about your videos are you going to make them differently? I hope you keep them as you have been

    1. No, they'll be the same as they've always been :)

  2. Your video, makes COMPLETE and UTTER sense, I have an ED. When did ANY holiday start revolving around cals anyways???

  3. proud of you kate- i think you could use your voice to impact alot of people! -jalynn

    1. Thank you :) that is what I aim to do through this blog and my YouTube videos. Kind of raw at times but.... this is the side that most people don't see.
