Wednesday, October 8, 2014

More Bad Blood

At this point in time I am way too tired to go all the way downstairs, grab my lab workup, come all the way back upstairs and type it all here.  Maybe tomorrow or the next day I'll find the energy and time to do that.  

In the meantime, watch my latest YouTube video for the specifics on my lab results.  Click HERE to watch.

Basically, every single thing that was wrong with my labs last month is either just as wrong still or worse.  Somehow, despite taking a double dose of iron supplement along with vitamin C, doubling my prenatal and DHA and making a conscious effort to eat more protein (and just more in general), I am more anemic than I was a month ago.  My CBC is a hot mess.  And as if that's not enough, my resting blood pressure was a pathetic 68/44.

I got an emergency appointment with my General Practitioner tomorrow.  I'll let you know how that goes.

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