Thursday, November 5, 2015

Just To Write..

I haven't written just to write in a while.  Usually I'm making a point or documenting some event.  So I think, today, I'm just going to take a little while and just... write.  Let you in my head, if you care to see.

Things are going pretty well.  I've hit a creative streak recently and been making decorations out of construction paper and taping them to the windows.  I made a bunch for Halloween and now for Thanksgiving.  For Halloween my mom and I made: jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, bats, candy corns, a haunted house with a fence and pumpkins in front, glaring eyeballs, a spiderweb and several words (including "spooky" "Boo!" "Trick or Treat" and "Happy Halloween").  For Thanksgiving, so far, I've made 4 turkeys, a bunch of leaves, a sign that says "Give Thanks" and a bunch of words (listing what I'm thankful for, including but not limited to: family, health, friends, jobs, home, love and bulldogs.  Not necessarily in that order!)  I plan to try to make a big cornucopia to finish off the windows.

I can't believe Mara is almost 1!   She started walking the other day.  It's really cute!  She's still pretty wobbly but she can walk about 5 feet before falling down.  It usually works better if you have something she can walk to, such as a phone or a book or a sharpie.  She experienced her first stomach bug the other day (Tuesday.)  Between her and one of the bulldogs, I was cleaning up puke all day.  Pretty gross!  I felt really bad for her... but there wasn't much I could do except rub her back and tell her she'd be okay.

I'm still teaching Zumba and Aqua Fit.  I feel like I'm kind of burning out though.  Part of the problem is that my commute is SO BAD!  This morning, 217 was LITERALLY bumper to bumper and the travel time sign said it would take 40 minutes to get to Interstate 5 from where I was... and class started in exactly 40 minutes.  Uh oh!  So I got off the freeway and tried to go through Beaverton... but that didn't work out so well either.  Portland is just really overcrowded.  Anyway, long story short, I got there at 8:33am (3 minutes late.)  Not too bad.  Still a really discombobulating way to start the day.

Corky and I have a friendly rivalry going in the game of Tetris on the xfinity.  I currently hold the record in all 3 modes.  I cleared 40 lines in 2:28:10!  The record was 3:06:06 for the longest time (that was Corky's) and then I beat it by nearly 20 seconds one day.  It was all downhill after that for him, poor Corky.  I also hold the record in the 2 minute challenge, at 8,390.  I hold the record for the endurance one but I can't remember what it is.  71,000 or something.  I got to level 10.  It was awful. LOL!

Mara is down for a nap now, so I think I'm going to make another cup of coffee and finish watching a show I started yesterday while I fold laundry.  Then I have to clean.  My house resembles New Orleans after Katrina blew through.  (No disrespect intended to New Orleans on that... it makes sense for a city to be in shambles after a disastrous hurricane.  Not sure what my excuse is..... Hurricane Mara I guess!)

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