Thursday, May 19, 2016

Busy Bee

So busy.  New puppy.  Toddler.  Work.  Other stuff.  

The new puppy, Frank, is ADORABLE!!!! Currently he and Abby are playing at the other end of the couch.  The first day, he didn't show a lot of interest in playing with her.  I'll admit I was worried they weren't going to get along.  But now they're besties.  Oops! Frank just fell off the couch.  Lol.

Mara is doing well.  She's off at preschool right now.  She's in a picky phase and won't eat anything but macaroni and cheese, bananas, fruit/veggie pouches, chicken nuggets and string cheese.  Oh well.  At least she's eating!

I'm going to be working toward my personal trainer certification soon.  Also, Corky's boss's wife just gave me her old triathlon bike and Corky's boss is giving him his so we can do tris now too!  yay!!!

Gotta go. Frank is chewing on something......

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