Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Triathlon Training - Reacclimatizing to Swimming!

I can't remember if I ever touched on this before, but I used to swim.  I did swim team as a kid for several years consecutively and then, in the height of my eating disorder, I swam every single day for at least an hour (often longer).  

I signed up for a triathlon.  Am I crazy?  Probably!  It's on July 31st, 2016.  So this morning, in order to being proper training for it, I went to the pool.  15 min of freestyle later, I was pooped!  So I did another 15 minutes of breast stroke and called it a day.  Man.  Swimming is going to take some getting used to!

At first, when I arrived, I felt like I was going to be triggered.  But I told myself I was there for a completely different reason in a completely different headspace and that it was going to be fine.  And it was!  I didn't feel triggered at all, which was a relief!

I am planning to do that at least every Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and perhaps one day on the weekend as well.  Biking and running are not going to be the hard parts of this triathlon, that's for sure.  The hard part is going to be swimming in a LAKE with who knows what wildlife swimming around in there too.  YIKES!  Thankfully the swim part of tris are usually first so I'll get it over and done with.

This morning was a very productive morning for me.  After I swam, I took a shower, ate breakfast, got Mara off to preschool, cleaned the kitchen, unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher, tidied the whole main floor, vacuumed the upstairs and the main floor (including the stairs which are a pain in the ass to vacuum!), did tons of laundry and studied my coursework for my personal trainer cert.  Picked up Mara at 12:30pm, got her down for a nap and had lunch.  Now I'm going to feed Frank and work on folding laundry.

Speaking of Frank, he has kennel cough.  Lovely. He coughed all night long and kept Corky and me up.  Sigh!  We just cannot catch a break.

Tomorrow is JUNE! YAY!

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