Sunday, May 15, 2016

Fresh Start

I don't know why, but lately the idea of abandoning this blog and starting over again has been creeping into my mind.  I've had this blog going since December of 2012!  That's 3 1/2 years now.  So much has changed.  So very much.  

I think the main reason why I've been contemplating stopping this blog is because of a few really awful comments I've received.  Not even about recent posts, necessarily, but the comments were received recently.  Some of them are really terrible.  Some I've deleted, some I haven't.  I can delete them if I choose to, because this is MY blog and I govern what is allowed to be written here.  But I believe everyone is entitled to their opinions, as am I, and so I do leave some of the comments.

But I feel as though this blog as it originally was started does not pertain to my life anymore. Which is probably all the more reason I should keep it, just to repeatedly show myself and anyone who cares to look just how far I've come in a fairly short space of time.

I am really not sure where this start-over desire is coming from.  I guess I'll have to think about it.

Missing this face today.


  1. Will it be tough to find you again if you start anew?

    1. No, I would probably make a post about it. LOL!

  2. I can relate to this a lot Kate
    And I'm so sorry that you have received some nasty comments
    I can understand your need to stop blogging
    I felt like that too after I got some horrible comments
    But you know what?
    That says way more about the commenter than it does about us
    Hate often comes from a place of insecurity
    And some nasty people don't like others to do well
    It could be jealousy
    Or it could be just down right nastiness
    Either way
    Don't be bullied by these people
    They are faceless
    Nameless people
    Who get their kicks out of putting others down
    I would say don't let this be a knee jerk reaction
    Let yourself settle
    And then really think about if you want to stop blogging or not
    I'm blogging since 2012 too
    And even though I get the odd hateful comment
    Most of the feed back I get is positive
    Don't make a decision when you are feeling so hurt
    Let the dust settle
    Sleep on it
    You may feel differently then

    And just for the record
    You would be missed
    I have so much respect and admiration for you
    And I would miss you a lot x

    1. Those are all really good points. I'm not planning to stop blogging here.. or at all, for that matter! I couldn't be without it, I don't think, after so many years! I just don't understand why people feel the need to hate and create hate. Makes no sense. Oh well.
      But thank you! I am always starstruck every time you comment my blog haha. xo!

  3. I guess I should finally speak up. I have been following you ever since I searched for EDCP. I stumbled across your blog and haven't looked back. Just followed for the past 2.5 years. I think you should keep it, it's helpful to see people's lives with the joy AND struggles.
