Thursday, July 26, 2018

So Busy

Well.. here we are at the end of July.  My last post was almost a month ago.  Wow!  It's been a while since I've gone that long between posts.  I have a multitude of pictures to share but.... I think I'm just going to blog.

I am having SUCH a hard time with body image right now.  This breastfeeding appetite is ridiculous and it's stressing me out.  Actually, there are a lot of things stressing me out right now.  Nothing major, just things that need attention and brain power (the latter being something I don't have much of to spare these days).  Things like passing my online courses for my personal trainer recertification, subbing a million classes over the next week, keeping appointments, working around Corky's new and ever-changing work schedule, making sure Mara gets to all her activities (who knew a 3 year old could be so busy?) and finding alternative childcare as my regular friend who has been watching the kids has had 2 sick kiddos of her own this past week and is out of town next week.  How's that for a run-on sentence? Lol!

Anyway, it's funny (not really) how the previous paragraph started with me saying I'm struggling with body image and ended with me listing the things that are causing me a little bit of stress right now.  I guess that's just the way it works... stress causes me to need coping mechanisms and that old ED voice is quick to jump to the front.

Here are two pictures taken of me today.  This is what I look like.  I have no idea why but I feel like I look so much bigger than I want to.
(Orion sure looks super cute though)

In other, much happier, news, Orion and I might be extras in a movie that is filming in Portland right now.  They might need us this coming Saturday.  That would be fun! I'll keep you posted.

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