Monday, December 3, 2012

Art & Breakfast

Good Morning.

As Marya Hornbacher said in her book Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia, Anorexics have strange shopping lists.  As I put it to my soon-to-be-husband one day, "hey, that's one good thing about marrying an anorexic - the food bills will be low!"  Silver linings, people. 

Here is a picture of my breakfast this morning.

Yes, it is coffee.  To be exact, it is coffee with 2 packets of Truvia, and 1/4 cup of skim milk.  It totals 28 calories.  I've counted.

I was in day treatment until very recently.  I left because it was making me worse.  (If you want to know more on the whole story behind that, check out my YouTube channel: katenotkatie87.  This blog is going to concentrate more on the 'here on out' stuff, only popping back into the past for a little while when necessary.) 

My "outpatient team", such as it is, wants me to eat on a meal plan, not exercise at all, and not engage in eating disorder behaviors......
................. yeah, right.

Also, my therapist told me to "be artistic and creative.  Let it out!" 

I said, "what, you mean, like, drawing?"

That was exactly what she meant.  I do like to doodle and occasionally I like to make a drawing but it's not exactly my idea of a good time.  But, like the good patient I am, I went and got a sketch pad for $2.74 and dug out my old colored pencils (that sounds so racist.  What should I say instead?  ColorING pencils??) and drew a picture.

The crow is me.  It's trapped between a brick wall and a fence with spikes.  In there with the crow is a tree growing all kinds of food, some scary, some not.  (The cupcake is scary.)  There's also a clock hanging from the tree... not sure why.  Guess I feel like I'm under a time crunch!  Behind the fence is the symbol for Zumba Fitness.  I am a Zumba Fitness instructor.  And I am not allowed to teach.  I swear, I am going to die.


  1. Hi there, Kate.

    So, what is symbolized by the fact that your....symbol has wings, but doesn't consider flying out?

    Hm. Well, now I'm asking myself that question. About myself. Limitations, surmountable and not. Self-imposition.

    Please take care.

    1. Oh, he/she totally considers flying out. But that would mean to fly away from everything he/she knows is right (i.e. food in the tree.)

  2. Oh, okay. I understand. I had the perspective skewed. Even though your illustration was clear, I was processing it from the point of Zumba being inside and sustenance being out.

    Take care.
