Sunday, August 24, 2014

I'm Off!

We're leaving for Hawaii tomorrow.  I'm so excited!!! I'm also scared, though... I don't really like to be away from my doctors when things aren't like 100% "normal".  But I'm sure they wouldn't have cleared me to go if they didn't think everything would be fine.  I'm just paranoid.  Can't really help it!  But I'm trying to calm down.

Things are okay.  I haven't had a decent shit in days (sorry, gross, but pregnancy is NOT for sissies!) so that plus baby plus anterior placenta is causing me to have a really tight, uncomfortable belly at the moment.  Not Braxton Hicks contractions, just perpetually tight.  Not fun.  But it's okay!  I'll be fine.  The only other issue currently is that I've had a headache for 24 straight hours. :(  Boo! Going to take some more Tylenol now.  Man, I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore so I can take Advil!!!  Tylenol doesn't do shit for me. Lol!

I would be lying if I said I didn't have a little bit of body image anxiety about Hawaii.  But I actually haven't been dwelling on that too much.  So that's good!

Not much else to say, here's a 27 week belly pic for ya.  See you all when I get home! Xoxoxo


  1. H ave a lovely time Kate
    Enjoy your last holiday sans baby!
    You have a very neat little bump
    Even at 27 weeks

    Take care lovely x

  2. Awe your bump is so cute =) I hope you have a wonderful time on vacation. Totally jealous of you. TTYS
