Monday, January 11, 2016

I Can't Believe I'm Saying This....

I cannot believe I'm saying this.... but can it please just be Spring already?

I know, I know.... 
What am I saying?? I HATE Spring.

Yes, this is true, and I still do, but this winter has been heinous for us.  It started with the stomach flu in early November that took down Corky and Mara for a day or two.  Then a respiratory bug came through and caused Mara's nose to run all the way up through Thanksgiving weekend.  

Then came the second round of stomach flu the first week of December.  That one knocked Mara and me to the ground for several days - longer than the first bout.  Add to that round 5 of mastitis for me and I was as miserable as I've ever been.  Follow it up with a few colds and then, because why not, a double-whammy Respiratory-Bug-and-Hand-Foot-And-Mouth- Disease for little Miss Mara over Christmas and it was a pretty miserable household that Santa would have encountered.

The Respiratory Bug caused some lovely post-nasal drip that has blessed Mara with a wet cough since before Christmas.  Thankfully she felt okay over New Years and through our vacation to Disneyland, but now she's dealing with incoming molars and yet another virus - this one bringing with it a 102 degree fever, body aches and stomach junk.

And now I have it too.  Yay.

Can it be Spring already?? So over this!


  1. I'm so sorry! Poor Mara, poor you.
    And I'm so sick of winter aswell. We've got -69F weather!! My 2-year-old is always sick since he started Kindergarden in the fall, so ge's not really going there.
    I'm sitting home all the time going crazy.

    1. -69F?!?!?!?!? Holy crap!!!!! Where on mother earth do you live?? I can imagine you guys are going stir crazy! :(

    2. It's Estonia :) :) come visit! Just not in Winter :) :)

    3. Awesome! I would love to visit Estonia! There are so many countries I want to see in my lifetime... :)
