Thursday, July 31, 2014

Exit July

A year ago today a hilarious thing happened.  Both Alena and I were teaching a Zumba class that day (because it was a Wednesday last year) and so when we went to promote our classes on facebook, we both wrote something to the effect of:  "Exit July with a bang, come dance at Zumba blah blah blah."

Now.. it was weird enough for one of us to think of phrasing it "exit July," but BOTH of us?  Lol!!  I'm teaching a class this morning at 9:30am, and I wrote "Exit July" in my facebook promotion again!  Alena's out of town this week, or else she'd be teaching today too, and would write the same.  Just one of our little inside jokes.

Can you believe it's almost August?  I can't believe I'm even writing those words!!  I feel as though time is going by fast these days, for which I'm incredibly, unbelievably grateful.  I can still remember one day in May (the 22nd actually) walking down 170th Ave and calculating the time left until my due date.  It was exactly 6 months.  Now it's like 3 months and 23 days or something!!!!!!  That's CRAZY!

Speaking of that, last night I had a dream in which I was actually in labor.  I couldn't physically feel any pain in the dream but I know I was in pain.  The way I was reacting in the dream told me that I was in pain.  But I was doing okay.  I woke up before the baby was actually born, but it was so-far-so-good by the time I did wake up.  Oh man that's scary as hell.

I need to figure out what the HELL I'm doing with Zumba.  Last night I taught a class with ONE person in it.  That's just unacceptable.  I was subbing for someone at the dance studio where I teach.  It would be one thing if I were new to that place, but I've been teaching there for over a year.  Why do people discriminate against subs so much?  They should be grateful!  If nobody subbed, classes would be cancelled all the time.  People should come to class and be grateful to get a workout, not bitch about who is or isn't teaching.  And it's not even just about that, I made $3 off that class.  THREE DOLLARS!!!!! THIS IS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!

In totally unrelated news, my birthday was last week.  A week ago today, actually.  It was fine.  I had coffee with my mom, made my birthday cake, went to Zumba and then to dinner with friends.  Pretty low key birthday.

Happy Thursday everyone! :)

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