Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Feeling Desperate

Sorry for the trigger-iness of this post.  I'm having such a hard time!!!!

I'm feeling so desperate.  I just feel like there's a layer of fat all over me that I can't get rid of and it's exacerbated by me being hungry ALL THE TIME!!! Everyone keeps saying, "listen to your body. You're nursing a baby, blah blah blah" but honestly all I want is for the fat to go away.  Never mind whether anyone else can SEE said fat (I know, I know, I sound insane)... I can see it and feel it and I want it OFF!!! 

Everyone, please meet my eating disorder, if you're not already acquainted!!

Part of me (guess which part!) just wants to quit breastfeeding and switch to formula so I don't have to eat anymore.  Formula wouldn't hurt Mara but breast is best.  Of course I won't actually quit but sometimes I want to!  Besides the eating thing, the pain is horrendous. 

I got the Mirena IUD in yesterday. TMI probably but the insertion was no big deal.  Pretty painless and over in less than 5 minutes.  I felt crampy the rest of the day but this morning I'm so far feeling fine. 

Here's a few new pics of my bug :) 

Mara and me at Zumba :) 1/15/15

My sweet bug!!! Smiling at her mommy :)

Mara and my dad.

Trying to take selfies with Mara but she wasn't having it and I was cracking up! 

She's going to be taller than me in a week at this rate! 

"Mom stop... you're weird."

Mara loves her auntie (who gave her this totally appropriate onesie!!) 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you're struggling so much! I can totally understand where you're coming from. Well, I'm not a mother but I'm suffering from anorexia and I have two sisters who have issues with eating as well. One of them has two kids who are almost grown-up by now. The point I want to make is that your body takes some time to get back to 'normal'. my sister has always been very skinny but she got pregnant after all. And being a mum is, I'm sure you agree with me, very tough. You need all the energy you can get and don't think so much about your weight. This will all go away over the next few months. Please, don't start restricting again! For yourself, and above all for Mara's sake! You need to be healthy for her, she needs you because without you she most probably would not be able to survive. I know, that may sound harsh and I hope you don't get me wrong, but for you right now is the worst time to be conscious about your body shape. And by the way, from what I can tell from the pictures and the videos you've posted throughout your pregnancy, you're anything but fat! You're absolutely gorgeous and you have been through so much, you'll manage this as well! I believe in you because I know you can do this!
    Well, this probably wasn't of too much help to you but anyway, stay strong! I know you can do it!
