Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Like putting a band-aid on a tumor.

Oh my goodness gracious.  Oh my goodness, goodness gracious me!!!  I am horrified.  

Okay.  So.  I can remember hearing somewhere a while ago about Ambien being connected with people eating in their sleep.  I never really thought much on the subject.  I've never taken Ambien (that I can remember) and I don't take it now so it's not relevant.  But someone posted a comment on my YouTube channel (katenotkatie87) about Ambien and night bingeing.  

So I googled "Ambien Horror Stories" and oh... the terrible things I read!  Buttered cigarettes?!  What the stinkin' heck??

Here's one link: 

Here's another:

Is that not the most horrendous, terrifying, nightmarish situation ever?  Well, for someone like me it is!  I can't even fathom... I can't even imagine... I can't even find words to express how dreadful that concept is!

But seriously, how f*cked up is it that pharmaceuticals can control our bodies and brains so thoroughly?  Like what about my crazy withdrawal that I just suffered through for 4 days because the pharmacy didn't refill my meds for what seemed like eons.  Every single bone in my body ached.  I was nauseated.  I was dizzy.  My head ached.  I couldn't think.  I could barely work.  I could barely function.  Because of medications!  Because of these little tiny pills... or, I should say, the lack of them!  It infuriates me that my brain is not capable of making enough of this or that on its own.  But I'm not even really supplementing it!  I'm just kind of masking the problem.  It's like putting a band-aid on a tumor.  It might cover up the problem, but it won't make it go away.

I guess that sort of explains why I have an eating disorder though... I abhor the idea of not being in control of my actions.  Ambien sounds absolutely hellacious.

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