Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hot Tea & Ice Water

The time is coming.... the dreaded event.... the  "rite of passage," if you will....

wisdom tooth removal!!!!! (dun dun dunnnn!)

It's not as if it's just snuck up on me.  My wisdom teeth made their first appearance back in November of 2009!  They've been hanging around... biding their time... but now they're really starting to bug me.  And worse, my teeth are moving!  I know I need to get them out before they undo all that two separate sets of braces (in 4th and 11th grades) did for me.

It's not like I'll miss them!  God no.  They hurt, they make my gums ache, they give me the incessant urge to chew on things like pens and straws and they cause me to bite my cheeks all the time.  No, I won't miss them one bit.  What I'm definitely not looking forward to is general anesthesia.  I don't wake up well from that.  I get nauseated and scared, sometimes taking a swing at people before I realize what I'm doing.  Add that to the typical confusion that comes along with coming out of anesthesia and you have a very unpleasant Kate on your hands.  Very Jekyll-and-Hyde.  

OH!!!! That reminds me!!! Watch this video clip (it's about 40 seconds long)


The "My name is... Mr. HYDE!!!!" part scared the living shit out of me when I was a kid and first watched this movie (the Pagemaster.)  It's actually a pretty intense movie!!!  When I was older (about 14) and my sister was 5, she got to enjoy the Mr. Hyde-induced fright.  We then made a game where we put weird goggles on and staggered around the house going "My name is MR HYDE!" to anyone who passed by.

Good times.  Just discovered my (now 16 almost 17 year old) sister has unfriended me on facebook.  Lovely....

I realize that the title of this post matches the Jekyll & Hyde thing.  Which is totally by accident,  but funny anyway.  I've been drinking tea ALLDAYLONG.  I've had like 4 or 5 cups.  Green tea of all kinds.  Plain green, Green tea w/ Cranberry, Green tea w/ blueberry, Green tea w/ mint... you name it, I've had it.  I'm also currently drinking ice water beeccaaauuuusssee.....

A marathon chew-and-spit session just took place.  4 giant cookies (that I baked,) a whole box of Ritz Bits Cheese thingies, a whole box of Granola w/ almond milk.... of course all of it was chewed, spit into a cup and then put down the garbage disposal.  My mouth is all cut up.  So the ice water helps.  I have a cup of (plain) green tea brewed but it's too hot to drink.

Also!!!! There is nothing in the world (well, almost nothing) that can make me grumpier than biting my lip while chewing.  It happened a few days ago and I almost started crying.  Not because it hurt, although it did.  But because as soon as I bit it I knew it would turn into a nasty canker sore and, because of the placement, that I'd bite it over and over again and it would take forever to heal.  Well... I wasn't wrong.  I've bitten it at least once a day since and DAMN it hurts so bad.

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