Monday, December 17, 2012


Grief apparently something I suck at.

So, after a disturbed 22-year-old opened fire at the Clackamas Town Center in my city, killing 2 innocent people and injuring a third before killing himself, things got very strange very fast.  

On Thursday I found out via facebook that my cousin died.  She was only 33.  The autopsy report is not in yet, although I would not be surprised if they find she died of a heart attack.  

Then Connecticut happened.  Honestly I don't even know what to say about that... I think that, whatever I was going to say, it's already been said.  It's a tragedy.  Let's just leave it at that.

I can't do anything about the Clackamas Town Center shooter.  I can't do anything about Sandy Hook Elementary.  But could I have done something about my cousin?  I don't know. Maybe so.

She told me some things, back in 2008, when I spent about 5 hours with her talking one night.  I don't know who, if anyone, else in the family knows how troubled she was.  Should I have tried harder to stay in contact with her?  Could I have helped her?  I'll never know.

All I know is that the entirety of my life's encounters with her made tons more sense after I talked to her.  All of a sudden she looked different to me.  I understood her better.  She understood me.  We were both black sheep.  I always felt out of place in that side of the family... but now that I understood Hillary, it wasn't so bad because I wasn't the only one.  

But now she's dead and I am the only one.

God, she didn't always make the right decisions.  God, she wasn't perfect.  But God, she did the best she could...

....and God, I'll miss her.

R.I.P Hillary

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