Sunday, December 2, 2012



The Haunted Crow is a blog about a girl who loves crows and is haunted.  Not haunted BY crows.  Just, you know, haunted. 

Haunted by what, you ask?  Or do you mean by whom?

So many questions.  Let me clarify a little.  Courtesy of


1) inhabited or frequented by ghosts: a haunted castle.
2) preoccupied, as with an emotion, memory, or idea; obsessed: her haunted imagination gave her no peace.
3) disturbed; distressed; worried: haunted by doubt she again turned to law books on the subject.

Okay, so I changed one thing in that definition and that was that I changed the word "his" to "her" since we're talking about a girl here.

Take definition number one.  Ghosts.  Now that's a touchy and confusing subject if ever I saw one!  Say something about a ghost to the wrong sort of person and whoops!  They turn away from you faster than you can say 'uh, I mean to say....'

Sometimes though, and I am finding this to be the case more and more often these days, you say the word ghost and suddenly you find yourself with someone's full attention!  They might say something like, 'it's funny you'd say that because just the other day I was sitting at the computer and I heard this thumping sound...' or, 'I saw the ghost of my grandfather one time... scared me half to death!' etc.

I think the reason why some people don't like ghosts is because they don't fit neatly into boxes like "alive" and "dead".  Are ghosts dead?  The overwhelming response is "YES!"  But what if we dive into something murky and uncertain like quantum mechanics?  Could ghosts be the result of a major time wrinkle?  Maybe.  I don't know enough on the subject to say one way or the other, but I guess it's possible.  (If you're interested in that idea, check out a book called Ghosts of the Air by Martin Caidin.)

Okay, now the second definition.  Preoccupied with emotion, memory or an idea.  That fits this scenario too.  This girl who we're discussing here is definitely preoccupied with emotions, memories and a plethora of ideas.  Makes it kind of hard to concentrate sometimes, actually.  That makes sense though, because when someone's brain is flitting around from subject to subject like sparrows in birch trees, it's hard to stick with any one thing for long.

The third definition applies also.  That's why "Haunted" was such a perfect name for this blog.  Distressed, disturbed and worried are all words that fit very nicely into this frame.

Basically, to be haunted, there has to be something occupying you and/or your immediate vicinity.  It could be an idea, emotion, or worry occupying your mind or a ghost (spirit, entity, demon, whatever) occupying your space.

In this case, the ghost and the emotion/idea/worry are all the same thing: Anorexia Nervosa. 

It's a nasty one; nobody has figured out how to exorcise the damn thing (although exERcise is no problem at all.  Ha!)

Oh sure, she's had her run ins with real ghosts, the now-you-see-me kind that take you completely by surprise and either scare the shit out of you or make you feel so loved and safe that you don't dare move for fear it'll end.

But this blog is primarily about the eating disorder, although I'm sure our ethereal friends will make an appearance or two.

Our ethereal friends, I said, because that girl is ME and I'm going to share my life with you all.

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