Wednesday, March 6, 2013

30 Facts

For those of you who don't know me....
...this will help!

Here are 30 facts about me.  Just random things.  I'm just bored and feeling the need to write.. so you all get to read this.

1) My real first name is Katherine
2) I am (honest to God) phobic of latex balloons
3) I am not allergic to anything
4) My eating disorder's favorite food is rice cakes with jelly
5) My favorite food is yakisoba
6) I was born with a tooth
7) When I was 8, I got on TV for scaring a cameraman with a mask I made
8) I hate the word "blouse"
9) My favorite superhero is Optimus Prime
10) I love (good) horror movies
11) My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla
12) My first word was "no!"
13) I do not think Brad Pitt is attractive
14) I believe in ghosts (duh!)
15) I am adopted
16) I cannot drive manual in a car, but I can on a motorcycle
17) My favorite animals are birds (all kinds) and polar bears
18) I have seen the Northern Lights
19) I have only been to 5 countries outside of the USA (Canada, Mexico, England, Russia and Israel)
20) I hate fruit punch
21) I love mustard
22) My favorite store is H&M
23) I used to have a pet tarantula
24) Thunder scares me
25) I collect matrioshka dolls
26) I believe in fate
27) I want to go to Africa
28) I have had an eating disorder for 11 years
29) I am a Leo
30) I am afraid of infinity

Well! That was fun!  Have a great night! XO


  1. I love it! I'm going to totally hijack this and do it on my blog... :-) Leos must attract other Leos--you, me, Christina, and now Matthew...crazy!

    1. Lol yes. You should see my family! Within my immediate family and my semi-extended family (meaning aunts, uncles and 1st cousins) we have a July 23, 24, 26, August 7 and 20. All Leos. And then we also have a July 20, which is cancer/leo cusp! My dad, sister and me are all Leos. My poor mom is a Capricorn lol. <3
