Thursday, March 7, 2013

Letter to Child

sorry for 3 posts in one day! I have a lot to say, okay?? lol.

Dear Child Who Is Like Me,

You don't know me, and I don't know you, but you are going to be okay.  I know this may sound odd coming from a stranger like me, but I promise you it will all work out in the end.  You will settle, you will accept, you will learn and you will grow.  Things are hard now and they'll be hard later, but you'll be better able to cope.  This is a promise.

Your friends that you have now are the friends you will remember from your childhood.  You may or may not remember that big fight with Mom or Dad, but you will remember the hours you spent with your friends, feeling accepted, normal, comfortable.  You will feel these things again with friends you will make when you are older.  At your age, baby, you make friends based on interests and things you have in common.  That's how it works when you are grown up.  Your friends understand you on a level that your family never will.

School may be tough.  You are tough too.  You'll fight through it, cope with it, tolerate it, and one day you will have control over it.  Let me tell you, sweet child, college is much, much better.  You can get up and walk out of class when something becomes too hard to handle.  You can choose what time your classes are, for the most part.  You can eat whatever you want, not just what the cafeteria serves.  You have more control, and that will help a lot.

As you get older, things that seem severe will start to roll off you.  Things that scare you now will become more tolerable, but new things will replace them.  You will never be totally free from fear - no one is.  But you will learn to cope with your fears better, and they will not control your life so much.

You are loved, young one.  Although sometimes you may feel alone, there are people trying their hardest to understand you and help you.  People are understanding more and more every day.  You are not alone now, and you never will be alone.  


  1. don't know who you wrote this for but it was really nice to read it :)

    school sucked for me and i hope my cousins will get through it unscathed!

    1. Same here. It wasn't really to anyone specific, but... I know there are kids out there who are like I was. It was certainly healing to write! :D

    2. "As you get older, things that seem severe will start to roll off you. Things that scare you now will become more tolerable, but new things will replace them."

      this is so true! it was good to grow up (ok, but not entirely). this blog post reminded me of that youtube video you posted a while back on your best memory from school ;) go you!
