Thursday, May 23, 2013


Hello world.

I'm still here.

I feel like I should blog tonight but.... what am I going to say?  My brain feels like a big piece of mush.  Honestly I just can't come up with something to write about.  Where's my energy?  Gone!  

I got blood drawn today.  We'll see how that looks.  Probably it'll be fine.  I just feel like crap for no good reason.  Isn't that how it always works?  You feel horrible, go to the doctor and they're like "you're fine!"  

Tomorrow I have some appointments.  Nutritionist in the morning.  What is the point?  What a waste of time.  Then I get to see my FAVORITE THERAPIST!!!! She's a PMHNP.  I've been seeing her since 2007.  I get to bring my puppy, Jax, to that appointment.  Oh my gosh she's going to just adore him!  So I guess that's good.  I'm pretty excited about that.

My puppy.... oh my.  He is a cute little f*ck!  Annoying at times, sure, but he's a puppy!  Chews on everything, pees in the house sometimes (sometimes out, like he's supposed to) and does the cutest stuff ever!  He wrestles with Abby, gives kisses, barks and growls at random stuff, hops around, chases toys... omg.  He's adorable and I love him so much.  Currently, he's asleep next to Corky on the couch.  Abby's there too.  They're watching Big Brain Theory.  My IQ is actually higher than most of the people on that show.  Interesting.

Bridesmaids dresses are ordered.  Bridesmaids gifts are purchased.  Wedding gown selected.  So that's good.

My bestie comes a week from tomorrow and my bachelorette party is a week from Saturday.  It's going to be an awesome weekend.  Many pictures to come, I'm sure!  My bestie, G, lives in Canada so I almost never get to see her in person.  We've been friends since 2005!  

This evening I rushed to the aid of my other bestie.  She was having a bad day and needed some support.  Yeah, it was tough to rush out of therapy and drive in horrendous traffic all the way out to the gym to help lift her up during her Zumba class, but isn't that what friends do for each other?  She's my bestie.  I love her.  And I know that if I say "help me," she'll be there in a second.

Corky is talking about Jax's hairy wiener.  LOL.  Bye.

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