Sunday, May 5, 2013

Still here

I'm alive... just so you all know.  I have been meaning to write a post but I just can't seem to come up with anything to say.  Maybe I'll just write a ton of random shit.

Less than 2 weeks til our new puppy Jax comes.  May 17th!  I can't wait!!! He is so stinkin' cute!  I can't wait to snuggle and cuddle him.  Puppy breath smells cute.  Much better than dog breath!

Today I got lots of sun.  It was really warm and sunny out, over 80F!  I love the hot weather.  I used to hate it but now I seem to crave it.  I would LOVE to live on a boat.  Like own a dive boat and business and live on the boat.  Sun, ocean, sky, wind... mmm.  I love the ocean.  My friend once called me a "Nature Child" which sounded awfully hippy-ish, but I get his point.  At the time he said it (to my dad) I was down by a huge tree, barefoot on the pine needles, talking to some bullfrogs.  Yes, talking to the bullfrogs.  They weren't answering me, though.

Oh, I know.  I'll tell you about Stevie!  So.. the other day (Wednesday night) I got a message on facebook from my childhood friend's mom, K.  She works for animal rescue.  Anyway, she told me she was about to rescue this bird and that she had no idea how to take care of a bird.  She asked if I would be able to bird-sit this rescue bird for a few days.  She sent me a picture...

Oh my GOD.  What could I say??  I said something like, "Good lord!  Bring her to me ASAP!"  That night, Stevie the 16 year old Orange Wing Amazon came.  

THE POOR LITTLE BABY!!!!  She was so scared.  She cowered, hissed, flapped... she was a mess.  We managed to get her into a cage that we "McGuyver-ed" out of Abigail's kennel (basically a perch, food and water bowl screwed into it) and got her upstairs in our bedroom, threw a blanket over her and let her calm the heck down!  By the next night I had managed to get her to eat some apple out of my hand.  I was worried, though, because she didn't seem to be drinking.

Today, K came to pick up Stevie and get her to the bird sanctuary in Prineville, OR.  Getting Stevie from her "cage" into the travel kennel was no small task.  Unfortunately, Corky managed to let her escape.  Even more unfortunately, she's flighted!  Just because she has no feathers on her chest and tummy doesn't mean her wing feathers don't work.  LOL! They do!  Finally we cornered her and she flew right into the travel kennel.  Whew!

I am so glad that Stevie will be somewhere safe.  She'll be cared for, happy and healthy.  But damn I miss that little plucked parrot.

Body-image..... not good.  Corky dried my jeans the other week.  They were SUPER tight when I put them on after that.  I've washed them a few times since, and hung them to dry, but they're still tight now!  It's freaking me out!!! Really bad.  I just think I look humongous.

If you want to see me being goofy, watch this video: CLICK HERE

SUNGLASSES!!!! I love sunglasses.  I love aviator sunglasses (which I am NOT wearing in that pic.)  That reminds me.. I saw a weird airplane today.  I think it was a bomber, a B-something.  B-17?? B-what?  I don't know.  It had 4 propellers and a white star in a blue circle on the underside of the right wing.  It looked like of like this (which is a B-17):

You know those shows like American Idol, Inkmaster, Face Off, Best Ink, etc?  I think those shows are rigged.  Honestly!  I do not understand why Corky likes those shows.  They stress me out!  Besides that, the people are like "oh this person did really bad.." but they really didn't do that badly.  It's like the judges (or in the case of Best Ink, the top 3 contestants for that week) are fishing for reasons to send that person out.  For example, Corky just watched On-Demand an episode of Best Ink and the bottom 3 tattoos were 1) this half finished, tiny, kinda shitty tattoo, 2) an asymmetrical central chest piece of an owl holding a pocket watch and 3) a zombie/diá de los muertos skull/girl thing with gaping flesh wounds.  Those were the bottom 3.  Which I think is crap!  There was one guy who did a tattoo where the lettering didn't even fit in the banner, and he wasn't in the bottom 3!  Why not??  His crappy lettering should have been there more than the girl who did the zombie thing.  All the judges had to say about it was "that eye isn't placed right."  Okay, first of all, what does that even mean?  What do you mean it wasn't "placed right?"  They never even offered an explanation.  Second of all, that eye was mostly hidden by the hair of the zombie girl!  So you could hardly even see it!  They're fishing.  

Now, granted, the girl with the tiny, half-finished tattoo had a shitty "skin" (aka client) who was micromanaging her a ton and actually walked out when the tattoo wasn't even done!  In the first place, I can't believe the judges and her peers penalized her for that.  That client was being a bitch and a half, and it was not that girl (Kelly's) fault.  On the other hand, it was a tiny tattoo (like 4 inches high) and she had 4 hours to complete it in.. so she should have been done long before the 4 hour mark.  The girl left after 2 and a half hours, but she spent eons badgering Kelly first!  So for all we know, she might have been done by 2 and a half hours if the girl would have shut her flippin' mouth!

Anyway, the bottom 3 are peer chosen and then the judges pick from there who leaves.  They sent home the goth girl who did the zombie tat.  Which was stupid... but at least it wasn't Kelly!  If they'd sent Kelly home I would have sworn a blue streak at the TV.  LOL!!!!!


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