Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cockroaches and Beyonce!

A Little Humility good for us all.

I love Beyoncé.  I think she is one hot mama.  I loved her when she was in Destiny's Child and I love her now on her own.  Her Superbowl performance was awesome.  

Beyoncé is the kind of artist who transcends everything.  She can act, she can sing, she can dance, she can look hot without makeup (mostly), she's a good mom and a good wife.  Her music is always good.  I think the apocalypse could come and go and Beyoncé would still be making singles.  I had a gay hairdresser who once said something like, "when the world ends it'll be cockroaches and Beyoncé."  Lol!! So funny.  But he's right though.

Anyway, I don't care who you are, we all need an embarrassing photo or two circulating around to keep our egos under wraps.  Here is the link to Beyoncé's ego check!

So.... now that we've all seen Beyoncé looking like.... God knows what....  let's move on.  When I was a kid, I looooooved to scare myself.  I still do, actually.  I love horror movies.  I could write an entire post on horror movies.  Perhaps I will do that one day.  But for now, I'll settle for this.

There were these books that I used to rent from the library when I was a kid.  There were like 3 or 4 of them, and they were called "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark."  They had THE CREEPIEST pictures in them!!!  Here are a few of the illustrations from the book:

Scary, right?  Imagine being 6 years old and reading that by yourself under the covers at night!  Holy $h!t! No wonder I had nightmares.  Anyway, one of my favorite stories in those books was called "The Wendigo."  Here is a link to a YouTube video of a guy reading the short story in a creepy voice over cool music:

Interestingly, years later, I was outside at night with a friend and we saw an airplane flying really low over the neighborhood with it's nav lights on.  It looked eerie and I remembered The Wendigo story.  So from that moment on, low-flying aircraft with nav lights were called "Wendigos."  

Recently I came across a few very funny pictures.  This one had me in hysterics:

A sofa bison!!!!!!!!! LOOOOOOOL!

I saw this one today:

And speaking of Beyoncé, my mom sent me this text right after the Superbowl last Sunday night:

I laughed until I cried over that one.  Just because Beyoncé is indeed famous for having a nice ass.  So perfect!

To end this random entry, I will leave you all with one of my favorite photos ever.  It is a perfect use of the phrase, and nearly brings me to tears every time I look at it for more than 5 seconds.

Have an awesome Wednesday everybody. xo


  1. omg I used to check that book out from the library, too!!! Also the "In a Dark, Dark Room" one. Ditto no wonder the nightmares! Those pictures are creepy as hell..
    And: Sofa Bison is amazing!!!!!!!!! And Beyoncé, the immortal... haha
    Have a nice day!

  2. I know... god those pics still scare me today!!! LOL re: sofa bison. I was dying. xo!
