Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hi Anorexia

Oh hey there....

Just took my dog on a walk.  I would have taken her on a run but she's a French Bulldog and can't breathe well, so... that would have been a bust.  Running on concrete is really hard on my shins and knees anyway.  They are already crap because of where I work (teaching Zumba on concrete basically).

Anyway, I was messing around on tumblr and found this picture.

I know it's eating disordered.  But.... really.... it is crap.  I happened to glance at the nutrition info on the back of the peanut butter jar again yesterday.  I know I've seen it before but this time I looked closer and read farther, past just the calories and fat.  I really did not know that 1 serving (2 tbsp.) of peanut butter has 27% of your recommended daily fat and 16% of your recommended daily saturated fat!!!! HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was horrified.  

Probably I will never eat peanut butter again.  In all honesty.

Lol. My dog is passed out on the couch now.  She's so funny.  While we were out walking we ran into this guy walking a giant pitbull.  I was even leery of him (the pitbull, not the guy) but Abby was like "Hi! Let's be friends!" and ran up to him and let him sniff her butt and they batted at one another and jumped around for 5 minutes, playing.  The pitbull was named A.K. haha.  It was so cute.  Pitbulls really do get a bad reputation that they often don't deserve.

I am going to make a cup of green tea, drink it, and then head out to hang with my sister.  I may update the blog again later if things go well (or if they don't.)  

Currently I'm working on transcribing my Q&A videos.  But, in the meantime, here are the links for the 3 parts of the Q&A videos I made the other night.

Part 1:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAYDLg0SB0s
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6guUH3MMxRI
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fflg2cazI78


  1. lol I love a day that starts out "Oh hey there, anorexia".... F*** our lives! :)

    I'm totally ya on the absolute horror at putting that kind of crap into my body. It's like...I know, like you said, that it's eating disordered regarding the level of horror-- how absolutely, insanely unbearable the thought is, right? But, it also seems sort of rational to me in the sense that, say, trans fat and processing chemicals and stuff really are poison. I don't know. I feel like I will NEVER have an ok relationship with food... Booooo

    Your dog sounds awesome! I love just watching my dog interact and have fun. Animals and pets are a huge reason for me to keep going. :)

  2. I can totally relate on the peanut butter thing--Connor lives, eats and breathes peanut butter. He eats it on his waffles in the morning, has it on his sandwich for lunch, loves to eat it off a spoon...I buy the best all natural organic stuff you can get. I have no problem with him eating it, as a matter of fact, I love seeing him eat it because I know that he can a) use the fat and b) it's good protein for a kid who doesn't really like meat. But would I eat it? Only if I have no other choice. I ate it while I was pregnant (again, mainly for protein since meat made my stomach turn) and I *loved* it. Now it just stares at me from the shelf in my fridge...like the post above, I doubt I will ever have a healthy relationship with food.
