Sunday, February 3, 2013

White Flag

I know I just posted like 10 minutes ago.  Sorry about it.

I don't want to do this anymore.  I don't want to fight this anymore.  I am sick of trying to recover.  I give up.  It's too hard.  This is no way to live.  Feeling guilty every time I do what I know is the right thing.... it's not worth it.  It's not fair.  I can't do it.  Why do I have to suffer so much?  What did I ever do to deserve this pain?  It hurts all the time.  100% of the time.  Every second.  It hurts every single fucking second of every single fucking minute of every single fucking hour of every single fucking DAY!  Enough is enough!!!

Tomorrow I am going to tell my therapist that I give up.  She'll "fire" me.  That's her business.  She's not helping me anyway.  I do not want to recover, not if it means I have to go through this much pain all the time.  Why?  WHY??? It's not fair!!!

I don't know which is worse: if there is a god or if there isn't.  If there isn't, then that's just sad, because when we die then there's nothing left for us.  If there is a god, then that might be worse because what kind of god punishes people this way?  I would rather have cancer.  At least cancer fits in a box and makes sense!  Well, medically it makes sense.  People understand cancer.  Nobody understands this.

I am done making "the right choices."  I don't give a shit.  I'll smoke fucking cigarettes if it will make my appetite go away.  I'll take laxatives and diet pills and drink coffee a thousand times a day if it will make this feeling go away. I don't care if it's bad for me.  This mindset is bad for me!!! I am a pig!  Period.  That's all there is to say.

So, for anyone who I may have inspired... sorry about this.  I'm about to let you down, I think.  I really hope that someday there will be a "cure" for this (maybe more like a prevention??) horrible disease.  But most of all, I am so, so, so sorry.


  1. Hi Kate. So i've sat on this for a few days but decided to comment anyway, hoping that it might help

    You ARE an inspiration. You are so honest about how much it hurts to suffer from an eating disorder and your articulate it all so well and you are so strong.

    You WILL get through this. x.

    1. Thank you. That really does help. I was in an awful place that night. xoxo
