Sunday, October 6, 2013


14 days.  2 weeks!  God I hope that dress fits.

Today was my friend's birthday.  A while back, before my friend Alena gave me permission to use her first name on my blog, I called her "A" and this other friend was "A2" because her name also starts with A.  Now I'm allowed to say "Alena" so now "A2" will be "A."  Got that?  Lol.

Today was A's birthday.  She's a Zumba friend (aka Zumba Family).  So a bunch of us got together and planned a birthday surprise for her at her 4:00pm Zumba class.  Yesterday, I went over to my friend D's house and we baked 2 carrot cakes for A's party.  As it turned out we only used up 3/4 of ONE... so A took the other one home.  D tried to send the remainder of the first one home with me but I did NOT want that shit in my house, so I gave to Alena to give to her dad and brother.  Hopefully they like carrot cake!

It was so fun.  There ended up being 6 (yes SIX) more instructors in A's class aside from A!!! We all did one song each, except for Alena and I did one together 'cause that's how we do.  It was really funny because this one girl, L, is brand new to Zumba (literally got licensed end of September) and this was her debut.. and she did a crazy merengue and TOTALLY pulled it off!  She just came out of nowhere and rocked it.  It was so amazing.  I know I can take no credit whatsoever for her and her awesomeness, but I was proud of her.  She was nervous but you wouldn't have known it to look at her.  I've known her since kindergarten or first grade and I was laughing with her today because I'm sure no one ever would have guessed that the two of us would be Zumba Fitness instructors later in life!  We weren't exactly, shall I say, extroverted!  ;)

So... 2 weeks until my wedding.  You know what I'm finding?  I wish I could invite more people!!  There's several people I've grown closer to in the last month or so and I wish I could invite them!  It's a bummer, but we've already got over 120 people coming so... it's going to be a blast.

If I haven't mentioned this before, I'm adopted.  I have a biological half sister.  She said she wants to come to the wedding, I sent her an invite and everything... so we shall see if she'll actually show up.  I kind of hope she does!  But I am trying not to be too hopeful because I don't want to be disappointed if she doesn't come.  :(  But maybe she will!  I'll just not think about it I guess, but I'll for sure keep you all posted on that!

Also, if I haven't mentioned this before either, our honeymoon destination is Curaçao.  Wow... 2 weeks.  I can't believe I just typed those words.

Corky is leaving town tomorrow night, heading to Seattle area for a work related thing.  Alena is going to come and stay the night with me so I don't get lonely. :D Hee!  I love my friends. 

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