Friday, October 4, 2013

16 - Sleepy

16 days.

Last night I didn't fall asleep until 7am (so.. this morning??)  I had to teach a class at 10am.  It was the Zumba class from HELL!!!!

"It's too loud!"
"It's too quiet!"
"Turn it down!"
"Turn it up!"
"I'm leaving!"
"I can't hear it!"

The first half of the class consisted of me being glared at by 14 people in the mirror, while straining to hear the beats and cues of my music which was playing at about negative 5 decibels.  It was awful!  I was ready to cry!  Thankfully Alena was there (she made 15, but she wasn't glaring at me lol) and I was certain that she was commiserating with me.  One lady literally said, "I've had enough!" and walked out!  At the end of class a lady came up and told me that some of the other instructors have their music very loud, which I know to be true (because I've been there!) and I didn't think mine was that loud at the start.  But when I first plugged in my iPod, I turned around to find two or three ladies with their hands over their ears!  Alena came running up to tell me, "You better turn it down or people are about to leave!"  I was so confused because it didn't seem all that loud to me!  I know I'm hard of hearing in one ear (from lots of ear infections as a kid, although my hearing is still very good) but geez... I'm not THAT deaf am I??

The lady after class told me that the music just "scared them" and I that I should have turned it up way sooner.  It was just one of those days where I couldn't please anyone... and I was running on no sleep so my fuse was VERY short.  Needless to say I was very relieved when my stretch song came on.

Then I went with Alena and my mom to pick up my wedding dress.  I was afraid I was going to have to try it on but I didn't.  So that's fortunate.  Now I'm waiting for my mom to come back over so we can go try to find her something to wear to my wedding.  

In 16 days.

How do I feel about that?  I'll tell you - I don't!  I really don't have any feeling about that.  I think I'm just so buzzed about it that I feel literally nothing.  It's like standing next to a jet engine - it's so loud you can't hear a thing.  Your ears become overwhelmed with sound.  My brain is just overwhelmed with stuff.  So I feel nothing.  Which is good, considering I know a lot of brides-to-be who have been so stressed that they turn into A Creature.  Not a woman, not a bride, A Creature.  I don't want to do that, so I'll gladly take feeling nothing over feeling like A Creature.

I am, however, SO EFFING TIRED!!!!!  I woke up this morning after less than 2 hours of sleep going how am I going to make it through this day....?  I really have no idea.

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