Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Little Bit of Medical Weirdness

Despite the foreboding nature of the title of this post, it really won't be that bad.  I just have a few odd things going on with my body that I can't quite figure out.  If this ends up sounding familiar to anyone, please tell me! Lol.

First of all, I feel as though I'm retaining water.  Mostly in my hands, feet and face.  I don't actually SEE it.. but my skin feels as though that's the case.  My dad looked at me today and said that he does not see any water retention.  He also looked at my ankles and said he saw no edema.  My clothes seem to be fitting the same, so if I am retaining water it isn't excessive.  Also, when I press down on my hands, ankles, and tops of my feet, there is no indentation.  Nor does it turn white.  I can also get my wedding ring on and off without any unusual trouble.  Everything LOOKS normal, but I FEEL weird.  I don't even know if that makes sense.  It doesn't hurt.. just feels... weird.  So I tried drinking some extra water today in the hope of peeing it out.  We'll see if that works.

Second of all, I'm having weird pain in my abdomen.  Kind of in where my ovaries are..? I think??? I'm not actually too sure where they are, come to think of it!  But it doesn't hurt on both sides at once.  It happens sometimes when I stand up or twist a little.  Yesterday I was getting out of my mom's car and the right side one hurt so bad I yelled "OW!"  And then it had a dull ache for the next 5 minutes.  It was the kind of ache that you get when something hurt really badly and then it's fading but you still feel it.  Then it happened today when I stood up from a chair, except it was the left side this time.  I've also noticed it when I'm sitting very still.  Just generally doesn't feel too good in that area.

A third thing is dizziness.  I really noticed it today!  I was sitting in a chair, talking to my dad, and I felt like I wasn't actually in my body anymore.  It was such a weird experience.  Maybe the extra water today will help with this too.  Shall have to wait and see.

So I have no idea what this stuff is.  Weird for sure!  I see my Naturopath on Wednesday.. I'll let her know.  Maybe she'll have an idea.  I'm sure she'll send me for a blood draw.  I haven't had one since some time in December or January, I forgot when!  I wonder if maybe I'm deficient in something...?  I'll keep you posted :)

Happy Saturday!!!!! XOXOXOX <3


  1. Sounds like ovulation to me. That's what I feel like when I ovulate. You could ask the doc about that?

    1. That's possible, I think! I will definitely ask her :D Thanks darlin XO

    2. Now this post makes me laugh.... LOL. It all makes sense now!
