Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Healthy vs. Safe

I want to talk about a dilemma that I struggle with on a daily basis.

Healthy Food vs. Safe Food

This is a very real problem for me!  On the one hand, of course I want to put healthy food in my body.  On the other hand, healthy food sometimes has more calories than safe food.  But safe food has more processed crap in it, sometimes.  But not always!  Oh it's so confusing.

Fruits and vegetables are fine.  Okay.  No problem there.  Just eat them as they are and you're good, as long as you wash them first!  Healthy food for the win!

But yogurt?  Oatmeal?  Milk?  Psshh! Safe food all the way.  80 cal, non-fat yogurt, or 140+ cal, moderate-fat yogurt?  The first one, please!  120 cal packet of oatmeal, already flavored, or approx 200 calories for "real" oatmeal with brown sugar so it doesn't taste like cardboard?  Hmm.. let me think about that.. okay, done!  The first one please!  Non-fat milk with fewer vitamins or milk with fat and more vitamins?  Not a hard question either.

And what about when you're hungry, but just can't stomach the idea of eating MORE celery with calorie-free dressing?? (Yes calorie free dressing exists.)  That's where Diet Coke comes in handy!  But Diet Coke is full of artificial sugar and crap like that.  Which I know.  And I know it's bad for you.  But.. if being hungry and potentially eating something terrible is the other option, I will ALWAYS pick Diet Coke!

So you see the dilemma??  I want to eat healthy "real" food, but.... sometimes I just can't because it's actually not an option.  

Yesterday I was reading a mini magazine about clean eating, and it was recommending all these "clean packaged foods" and I started getting a mini panic attack because beneath each one it listed the sugar, fiber, etc, but not the calorie and fat content.  Freaked me out!!!  The idea of eating something without first checking the calorie content is mind-boggling!  Honestly I cannot even fathom it.  What does that even mean?

How is it like to eat without worrying about that?  I can't even remember.  I know I must have done it earlier in my life, but it's now been so incredibly long that it seems like it never even happened!  It's as if there is no other way of life.  Which is silly, because I know there is.  Just maybe not for me.


  1. Does eating fat contribute to fat on a body? We hear about eating "good" fats as our brain is made of fatty acids and needs its nourishment, but what makes a good fat? Wondering how that really works?

    1. Not necessarily, but my brain is sometimes unable to differentiate between fat as an adjective and fat as a noun. "Lipids" as my naturopath calls them!
