Monday, April 6, 2015

BEDA - Blogger fail! (Day 5)

I tried several times to post this yesterday (Sunday) from my phone but the blogger app wasn't working!  And the day was very busy so by the time I got home I didn't have time/energy to post it using the computer!

But since it's now 2:40am and I'm awake pumping (as usual), I have time.  So I'll copy and paste here what I wrote yesterday:


Sometimes the Jewish holidays and the Christian holidays overlap.  This past year, Christmas fell during Hanukkah.  Now, Easter falls during Passover.  Weird.  Passover started at sundown on Friday.

This morning we went to Corky's mom's house for Easter, mainly so that she could give Mara her Easter basket.  We had food and coffee too.  Then this evening we went to my parents' house for a Seder!  Which isn't too scary because it's pretty much just like a normal meal except you have matzah and haroset with it, but it's not like a humongous thing like Thanksgiving is!  And the food we had for Easter breakfast was pretty small too so it wasn't a terrifying day.

Mara behaved herself pretty well at both places.  By the time Corky took her home to put her to bed it was past her bedtime and she was getting cranky.  But she went to sleep fine and is still sleeping now, sweet little thing!

So that's what I wrote yesterday.  Kind of a random little post, but there it is.

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